System Privilege Reference for Developers

For programmers: Every general privileges has a negative index number starting at -1. User privileges have an positive index number, starting at 16. The index number can be seen in the Privileges dialog, available from the security menu.
See also: System Privilege Reference for Programmers

--Accounts & Security Configuration--

Administrator Privilege (-4)

Role configuration (create, edit, delete) but only if the user also has the Manager privilege.

Access the security Options dialog (Administrative Settings) to do any of the following:

  • Change the default automatic sign-out time
  • Set rules for password complexity.
  • Enable Windows Security Integration
  • Set the realm delimiter and enable separate realm entry during sign-in.
  • Enable signed-out VIC sessions
  • Enable OAuth 2.0
  • Configure for OpenID Connect.

Administrative Settings


Manager Privilege (-3)

Security is not enabled unless at least one active user has this privilege.

Access the Accounts dialog and modify accounts other than your own.

To create and modify roles, you must also have the Administrator privilege.

Configure Subordinate Application tags (Must possess the Manager privilege or the Configuration privilege in the subordinate application.)

Accounts and Roles


Account Modify Privilege (-2)

Open the Accounts dialog to modify your own password. You cannot change your privileges or other settings.

Change Your Password


Account View Privilege (-1)

Open the Accounts dialog to view your own settings. You cannot change anything.

*On password expiry, everyone can give themselves a new password, regardless of privileges.


Thin Client Access Privilege

Sign in using a thin client (VIC, Anywhere or Mobile).

Thin Clients: Mobile and Internet


Remote Data Access Privilege (-47)

Use the ODBC (REST) interface to query application data from outside VTScada.

SQL Queries, Excel Add-in for Data Retrieval


--Application Control--

Application Stop Privilege (-9)

Stop a running application.

Start and Stop


Application Manager View (-40)

Applies only if the application property, HideVAM from users without "Application Manager View" privilege is set.

VTScada Application Manager (VAM)


--Version Control--

Advanced Version Control Privilege (-39)

Open and use the Show Version Log dialog

Version Control


Deploy Changes Privilege (-15)

Applies only if the application property, "Automatically deploy local changes", is not set on the current workstation. Allows the user to deploy local changes.

Local versus Deployed Changes


Revert Changes Privilege (-16)

Similar to Deploy Changes. Required in order to use the Revert Changes tool in application configuration.

Local versus Deployed Changes


--Application Configuration--

Edit Files Privilege (-14)

Use the Import File Changes tool.

Manage files in the File Manifest.

File Management Tools


Page Add Privilege (-17)

Create new pages using the Idea Studio.



Page Modify Privilege (-18)

View and edit existing, user-created pages in the Idea Studio.

Display Building (Idea Studio)


Page Delete Privilege (-19)

Delete pages in the Idea Studio. Users must also have the Page Modify privilege.

Delete a Page


Tag Parameter View Privilege (-11)

Add and edit Roster contacts.

View but not edit properties of other tags.

Not required if the user has the Tag Modify privilege.

The Tag Browser, Roster Tags


Tag Add / Copy Privilege (-20)

Meaningless without the Tag Modify privilege.

Required in order to create new tags.

Add a New Tag or Child Tag


Tag Modify Privilege (-18)

Required in order to configure tags, including those being created.

The Tag Browser, Roster Tags


Tag Delete Privilege (-19)

Allows the user to delete tags.

Delete a Tag


Manage Tag Types (-41)

Required in order to use any of:

  • Create New Type (Tag Browser)
  • Redefine Type (Tag Browser)
  • Manage Types (Application Configuration dialog. Access to that dialog is restricted to those with the Application Configuration privilege.)

Design Your Own Tags


Manual Data Privilege (-6)

Add and edit Roster contacts.

Use the right-click menu of a widget to set the Manual Data value of the linked tag.

Not needed by users who have the Tag Modify privilege.

Special Symbols for Tags


Questionable Privilege (-7)

Use the right-click menu of a widget to change the Questionable flag of the linked tag.

Not needed by users who have the Tag Modify privilege.

Special Symbols for Tags


Control Outputs Privilege (-48)

Applies only to tags that are not otherwise protected by a custom (user-created) privilege.

Must be granted in order to write values to equipment.

Restrict Access to Output Tags


Global Tag & Area Filter (-49)

Enables the Global Tag & Area Filter button at the top of every page. With this, operators can create their own filters for tag and alarm lists.

Global Tag & Area Filtering


--Alarm Operations--

Alarm Acknowledge Privilege (-8)

Acknowledge alarms.

Acknowledge Alarms


Alarm Disable Privilege (-5)

Disable alarms using the right-click menu on a widget.
(Changes through the Tag Browser require the Tag Modify privilege.)

Disable or Enable Alarms


Alarm Mute Privilege (-24)

Stop all alarm sounds (current and new) for a user-specified length of time.

Silence or Mute Alarms


Alarm Silence Privilege (-25)

Stop all current alarm sounds indefinitely. New alarms will sound.

Silence or Mute Alarms


Alarm Shelve Privilege (-42)

Shelve selected alarms

Shelve Alarms


--Historical Data & Notes--

Group Modify Privilege (-26)

Open the Tag Selector in the Historical Data Viewer (HDV) and select tags or queries.

Does not allow you to save or delete existing groups.

Pen Groups - Save Tag Selections


Group Save Privilege (-27)

Save tag selections as named groups in the HDV's Tag Selector dialog.
Operators must also have the Group Modify privilege.

Select Pens (Tags) to Plot


Group Delete Privilege (-28)

Delete pen groups from the HDV's Tag Selector dialog.
Operators must also have the Group Modify privilege.

Pen Groups - Save Tag Selections


Note Add Privilege (-30)

Required in order to create a note in any notebook, any page.

Add Operator Notes


Pen Modify Privilege (-29)

Change properties associated with a pen (tag) in the Historical Data Viewer.

Change Pen Styles


Edit Data Privilege (-46)

Add or edit data in the grid tab, Raw Data view of the Historical Data Viewer

Edit Data

Page Note Edit Privilege (-37)

Add, modify and delete page notes.

Page Notes


Page Note Hide Privilege (-38)

Hide page notes from view (temporarily).

Hide a Page Note


--Page Access--

Alarm Page Access Privilege (-31)

Open the alarm page.

Alarm Display & Tasks


History Page Access Privilege (-33)

Open the Historical Data Viewer page.

Historical Data Viewer (HDV)


Thin Client Tools Access Privilege (-34)


Thin Client Monitor Access Privilege (-35)

Open the Thin Client Monitor page within an application.

Monitor Internet Connections


Thin Client Monitor Admin Privilege (-36)

Use tools within the Thin Client Monitor page within an application. Users must also have the Thin Client Monitor Access privilege in order to view that page.

Monitor Internet Connections


Maps Page Access Privilege (-44)

View maps within an application.

Site Map


Operator Notes Page Access Privilege (-45)

Open the Operator Notes page.

Users must have the Note Add privilege to create notes.

Operator Notes Page


Reports Page Access Privilege (-32)

Open and use the Reports page.

Reports Page


Sites Page Access Privilege (-43)

Open and use the Sites page. View Site Lists.

Sites & Maps


Create and modify recipes for batch processing operations.

Recipes and Batch Processing