Accounts and Roles

If your application uses Windows Security Integration, refer to implementation notes in the topic: Windows Security Integration


When security is enabled, everyone who uses the application must have an account. The account is used to identify and authenticate the user, hold the list of granted privileges, and store features that are unique to the user such as a custom automatic sign out period.

Use care with special characters in account names and passwords. While valuable from a security standpoint, some characters may cause problems with certain Alarm Notification devices.

It has been reported that an @ symbol (and possibly others) in a password will not work with the Twilio® interface.

Reopen the Accounts Dialog (one of several ways)

Features of an account:

It's easier to work with one section of this dialog if you minimize the other sections.

General section

Realm: Only if realm logins are enabled. Identifies the user's realm.

Username: Identifies the user.

Password section

Password: Used to authenticate the user.

Force Reset: When creating accounts for operators, it is standard to require that they change their password on first sign-in.

Advanced section

Disable option: Prevent sign in without deleting that account.

Alternate ID: For installations that include the Alarm Notification System. The numeric password they will use when signing in by phone.

Default sign out time period: Set between 0 and 720 minutes if the default time period does not apply to this user. Zero means no automatic sign out.

Privileges section

Roles: The "job descriptions" that apply to the account.

Privileges: Additional rights specific to this one account.

Recommended practice is to assign privileges to roles, then assign roles to accounts.

A sample Accounts dialog after the first account is created.

If security realms are enabled, managers who members of a realm can see only those accounts and roles that are within the same realm.
If using security realms, it is important that you keep one manager account with no realm membership.


Similar to an account, but defines the privileges required by a job description rather than defining an individual. Account management is greatly simplified by defining roles for tasks, then assigning those roles to accounts. Changes made to a role are applied immediately to the accounts that hold the role.
You can assign roles to other roles, and multiple roles to an account. Privileges are additive, meaning that the account will gain all privileges defined in all assigned roles.

It is not possible to sign into an application using a role.

To help you configure a new application, several roles are built in. (Built-In Roles) These are examples, containing sets of permissions for various possible job descriptions. While useful to help you start your security configuration, you should plan to modify or remove the built-in roles and add your own as required.

Features of a role:

  • Realm: Only if realm logins are enabled. Identifies the role's realm.
  • Name: Identifies the role. Roles have no other authentication information.
  • Description: Contextual information about the role. May describe the role's intended use.
  • Disable option: Immediately removes the privilege set from all accounts that have this role, without needing to delete it. You cannot assign a disabled role to accounts.
  • List of assigned privileges and roles, and the tag or workstation scope that those apply within.

Default privileges for the Operator role

The predefined roles:

Privileges associated with the built-in example roles.

Role Privileges allow...
Logged Off Nothing. Logged Off is a special role, defining the privileges in effect when nobody is signed in. You cannot assign this role to accounts and cannot delete or rename it. You can grant privileges to this role, such as the ability to view the alarm page, but be very careful.
Operator Acknowledge and mute alarms. View all of the VTScada system pages.
Create and edit page notes.
Configurer Operator plus all privileges required to create and configure an application
SuperUser Configurer plus security configuration privileges. All VTScada privileges except Thin Client Access, Remote Data Access, and Modify Types, which must be granted explicitly.