Restrict Access to Output Tags

The built-in Control Outputs privilege will disable writes from all I/O tags when no-one is logged on. This is a general privilege that is granted to the Operator role by default.


Most sites prefer to create a set of custom privileges in order to have control over which tags are available to which operators. You can assign a custom privilege to any tag that can write values to equipment. Anyone may view a control widget linked to that tag, but only users who have the correct privilege can use it to write a value to the PLC or RTU. (A user does not need the Control Outputs privilege in addition to their custom privileges.)


You can also assign a custom privilege to protect certain operational tags. These include Modem, SMS Appliance, and Trigger tags.

When used with tags, custom privileges may be further defined by a rule scope. Under this system, an operator who has the matching privilege can use it only for tags in a defined scope. For example, the operator may be allowed to operate eastern-zone pumps, but not western-zone pumps even though the same privilege protects both.

To restrict access to output controls:

  1. Open the tag's configuration dialog.
  2. If the dialog has a Merit tab, open that.
    If the dialog has a Quality tab, open that.
  3. In the Privilege drop-down control, select the custom privilege that was created earlier for this tag.
  4. Click OK to save your work.


  • There is no privilege to apply.

Create a custom privilege to apply to the tag.