Analog Control Tags

Counted towards your tag license limit.

This is a legacy tag type. You are advised to use the I/O and Calculations Tag instead.
Use this legacy type only if you are certain that it contains unique features that are absolutely necessary to your work.

Analog Control tags are used to write values to equipment. While an Analog Status tag can also write a value, the Analog Control tag will give you more tools and options.

Unlike a Digital Control tag, the value of an Analog Control will reflect the last value written. It will also retain that value across application restarts, which is something that a Digital Control tag does not do. But, this value can be misleading if there are alternative means of control such as PLC programming or direct operation of equipment. If possible, it's always worthwhile to have an Analog Status tag that reads the actual state of the equipment being controlled and use that to provide feedback to the Analog Control for display purposes. In all but the most rare circumstances, this feedback should be used only to update the displayed value of the Analog Control.


Analog Control tags need a scaling factor for exactly the same reason as an Analog Status tag. With regard to scaling, they differ in only two ways: there is no option to set a display scaling and there is no deadband.

Retained or Persisted values

Analog Control and Analog Output tags will both retain their last written value across application restarts. Use these tags when there is a need for a value to persist.

String I/O tags with output enabled, and with no driver ("No tag selected" rather than the default, "[*Driver] None found") will retain their last written value across application restarts.

The Digital Control and Digital Output tags do not have a similar feature, but an analog tag can be used in their place, writing a zero or a one. If the intent is to write a clear zero or one with an analog tag, both the scaled and unscaled range should be adjusted for a minimum value of zero and a maximum value of one, so that scaling does not adjust the values.

Record Operator-Entered Values:

While the output tags are designed to write to a device, they can also be used to record purely operator-entered values. For example, an operator may be asked to read a value from a device that is not connected to the automation system and record that value in a place where it can be included in the SCADA system's reports.


To record operator-entered values:

  1. Create an Analog Control tag.
    The name and description should match the information that is to be recorded.
    Do not configure an I/O device or address.
    Ensure that the scaled minimum and maximum values allow the full range of expected numeric values. (The Operator Notes page exists to record text.)
  2. Add a Logger tag to the Analog Control.
    Select the option, Log on Change as well as Time.
    Set the Log Range Interval to a very large value (for example, 3153600000 == 100 years). This ensures that a value will be written to the Historian only upon operator entry.
  3. Draw the Analog Control tag on a page as a Numeric Entry widget, having a relevant label. Operators should note that it is necessary to press enter, or tab away from the data entry field before the value will be saved.


Each time the operator enters a new value, it will be written to the Historian, and may be used in trend graphs and reports. Note that a click on any widget linked to an output tag does not open the trend window.

Analog Control properties I/O tab

In the I/O tab, you will find the properties used to identify and establish a connection to the communication driver tag being used to exchange data with your physical I/O device (e.g. PLC or RTU), or to the polling driver responsible for determining the order and rate at which data polls will occur.

I/O Device

Select the communication driver tag from which data will be read.

By default, the tag will look for a parent tag that is a device driver (*Driver). If none is found, the text "--Missing--" will be displayed. The tag button to the right of the field opens the tag browser, from which you can either select an existing communication driver tag or add a new one. The X button will clear the field. Right-clicking on a tag in the field will open a dialog with which you can add or remove a Snapshot Expression or open a selected driver's properties dialog.


Provide the address within the I/O device to which this tag is to write data. This value must match the configuration of your PLC or RTU hardware. Refer to the Addressing topic for your particular device driver for guidance.

For some drivers (SNMP and the OPC Client) an address browser is provided to assist you.

Engineering Units

Provide units of measure that the input data represents. Possible values for this field include "rpm" "degrees C", "%", etc

Data Source

[Optional] While Analog Control tags usually take their value from an operator-controlled drawing object, the Data Source field provides the option of configuring this tag to accept a value from another tag or expression instead.

The value from the Data Source can be written to the I/O device, or it can be used to simply update the widget display.

If you have selected a data source that is configured to write output and have also drawn the tag as an object that operators can use to set values, then both can write to the I/O device. The value written will be whichever was most recently changed.

Write output when Data Source changes

When selected, the value supplied by the data source tag or expression will be written to the I/O device and will also be used to set this tag’s value. Selecting this option automatically deselects the "Use Data Source for display only" option.

Use Data Source for display only

When selected, the value supplied by the data source tag or expression will not be written to the I/O device but will be used to set this tag’s value. Selecting this option automatically deselects the "Write output when Data Source changes" option.

Analog Control properties Scaling tab

The Scaling tab is used to convert scaled data (intelligible to operators) into unscaled, raw data for the I/O device. VTScada uses an algorithm to calculate this tag's value internally, based on the known unscaled and scaled values you supply.

The default value for each of these fields is stored in an application property. You are advised to change those properties to match the values used by your hardware by using the Edit Properties page of the Application Configuration dialog.

You will need to use the Advanced mode of the properties page. The properties to copy and edit are:

  • AnalogUnscaledMinDefault
  • AnalogUnscaledMaxDefault
  • AnalogScaledMinDefault
  • AnalogScaledMaxDefault

I/O scaling illustrated

VTScada assumes a linear relationship between the values as shown. The scaled and unscaled process values you provide set the slope of the line, allowing any value on one axis to be mapped to the other.

The values do not limit what the tag can read, but the Scaled Process Min and Max values do limit what the tag can write.

Analog Control properties Merit tab

Use the Questionable Data parameter to flag this tag’s data in the event that you suspect the values it is reporting might not be accurate, or when this tag has initially been created and you wish to ensure that its data is marked for extra monitoring.


Select a custom security privilege (Protect Pages and Output Tags) from this drop down to limit the operation of this control to only those operators who have been granted the matching security privilege.

Analog Control properties Display tab


When this tag is represented on screen by widgets that can use a Style Settings tag, you can save development time by choosing the Style Settings tag that holds the correct display configuration for this tag instance. (See: Style Settings Tags)

The default configuration will search for the first parent tag of the Style Settings type. If there is none, it will use System Style, which is the default style tag that is automatically part of every new VTScada application.

Display Order

Used to specify the placement of this tag when viewed in an associated station dialog. See Order tab for further details.

Confirmation Prompts for Output Tags - Control options for confirmation prompt text.