LCD 5x7 Matrix Widget
* Can use properties from a Style Settings tag.
Used by: All numeric tags except Digitals.
The LCD 5x7 Matrix widget represents the associated tag's value as an dot matrix (LED) display. An active alarm will cause the numbers to use the alarm color.
The default colors look best against a dark background, but may be configured as required within the linked Style Settings tag.
The properties dialog for the LCD 5x7 Matrix widget:
Optionally, select a Style Settings tag to control the colors shown by the light, in response to the linked tag's value and alarm state.
See:Style Settings Tags
Digits Before Decimal / Digits After Decimal
Sets the number of digits to display. Digits beyond the range of the tag's current value are shown in dim shade, as configured in the linked Style Settings tag.
If linked to an I/O and Calculation tag, you can choose to use the current Digits after Decimal setting from the tag's configuration instead.
Show Alarms
When selected, values that exceed alarm setpoints will be drawn in the Style Settings alarm color (usually red).
Show Leading Zeros
Must be selected in order for leading zeros to be included in the display.
Disable Options
Disable selected operator-interaction features of this widget.