SMS Appliance Tags

Not counted towards your tag license limit.

While VTScada will always attempt to send the text message, there is no guarantee that your the cellular provider will deliver all messages. Use the SMS option of alarm notification with caution.

The SMS Appliance tag works in conjunction with the Alarm Notification System option to allow alarm notifications to be sent as text messages to a mobile cellular device, and to allow alarm acknowledgment via SMS.

SMS messages are sent and received using an "SMS appliance", which is a cell phone (or "cell modem") tethered to a VTScada workstation via RS-232, Bluetooth, or USB. Any such "cell modem" should conform to ETSI TS 100 585, which is a part of the GSM standard applying to the AT command set for sending and receiving text messages. Devices that use the CDMA standard are not supported.

The SMS Appliance tag handles communications through the SMS appliance. The tag registers with the SMS Manager service as an SMS agent.

Because SMS appliances are usually installed as "modems" under MS Windows™, the configuration of the SMS Appliance tag enables the specification of this modem and the workstation to which the modem is attached. You may also set a security privilege, and if necessary, can mark the modem as disabled.

If running multiple applications (for example, hosted systems) then you cannot share modems, SMS devices, or Twilio accounts between applications. You must have independent modems or Twilio accounts for each application.

The SMS Manager takes care of forwarding message requests to any registered SMS agents in a round-robin sequence. It also provides a publisher for received SMS text messages. Code that subscribes to received messages will get notification of all received text messages. Subscribers are responsible for any filtering of received text messages.

The SMS Appliance tag will re-initialize the appliance once per minute to verify that it is still attached and functioning. Any error will result in a complete reset, which is repeated at a regular interval until the tag is disabled or a functioning device is available.

The SMS Appliance tag will queue messages to send so long as it is operating normally. Received messages are published immediately. If these should be queued, it is the responsibility of the subscriber to do so.

The value of the SMS Appliance tag can be used to monitor the device status, according to the following table. (These values are reflected in the SMS Indicator widget.)



0 Initializing


Connected to cell modem


Sending an SMS Message


Receiving an SMS message


Checking the connection to the cell modem




Workstation with modem is not available


Modem unavailable

Error Messages
Most error messages associated with SMS come from the network and are not defined in VTScada. For more information about any error message you might see, including those in the alarm history, use an Internet search engine.
CMEClosed Cellular Mobile Equipment errors passed through from the device are equipment-related while CMSClosed Cellular Mobile Switch errors are network-related.

SMS Appliance properties Settings tab

The Settings tab is used to identify the SMS appliance (SMS "modem") that will be used to send and receive messages.

Workstation Name

The name of the computer running the VTScada application, to which the SMS appliance is attached. Workstation names must be no longer than 15 characters. Do not leave blank.

Name or Index on Workstation

The named workstation will be checked for devices. If more than one is found, you may select between them using this drop-down list. Names are preferred over index values, because the latter may change.


Select a custom security privilege (Protect Pages and Output Tags) from this drop down to limit the operation of this control to only those operators who have been granted the matching security privilege.

In this case, "operation" refers to the ability to disable or enable the tag via the context menu. It does not affect whether SMS messages are sent while a user without the privilege is logged on.


Select this box to disable the device without removing it or deleting its configuration.

SMS Appliance properties Advanced tab

The fields in the Advanced tab are optional. These need not be set for most configurations and should be used only by developers who are familiar with the configuration of SMS devices.

In rare instances, a device might not use a standard configuration of 9600 baud, etc. Serial port configuration fields are provided for use when working with such a device.

PIN for SIM Card

If required, this will value will be assigned to you by your cellular provider. The password is preconfigured in most SIM cards.

SMS Gateway Number

If required, this number will be provided by your cellular provider. This number is preconfigured in most SIM cards.

Modem Initialization String

You may provide an initialization string, as specified in the user manual for your cell modem. This will be sent to the cell modem at the beginning of each initialization cycle.

In most cases, you do not need to provide this string to the tag.

Baud Rate

Change this field only if your device does not autobaud to 9600.

Data Bits, Stop Bits and Parity

If your device does not autobaud to 9600, you might also need to configure these other serial communication parameters.

SMS Appliance properties Display tab

When this tag is represented on screen by widgets that can use a Style Settings tag, you can save development time by choosing the Style Settings tag that holds the correct display configuration for this tag instance.

The default configuration will use System Style, the default style tag that is automatically part of every new VTScada application.