Calculation Tags

Not counted towards your tag license limit.

This is a legacy tag type. You are advised to use the I/O and Calculations Tag instead.
Use this legacy type only if you are certain that it contains unique features that are absolutely necessary to your work.

The Calculation tag type is used to hold an expression, with the resulting value of the tag being the result of the expression. This tag type replaces the Function tag.

Calculation properties Calc tab

The Calc tab holds the expression for the calculation to be performed by this tag. While a choice of Constant, Expression or Tag is provided, you would normally use only Expression.


You can use the Calculation to specify a constant numeric value, an expression, or reference another tag that will be the calculation run by this tag. The Calculation field corresponds to the selected associated check box. Select Expression and click on the button to open the expression editor.

Manual Data

Sets a constant value that will be used instead of live data. Use when testing a new tag if you need to check behavior when a value is outside the normal operating range. Tags that have manual data are marked by a flashing exclamation mark within any linked widgets. Logged values are marked with an exclamation. Always reset this to blank after testing.

Questionable Data

Use this field to flag the tag’s data in the event that you suspect the values it is reporting might not be correct, or when this tag has initially been created and you wish to ensure that its data is marked for extra monitoring.

Calculation properties Owner tab

This tag can be used in an owner/contributor structure where multiple contributor tags can supply their values to an owner tag.

There is no specific "owner" tag type, rather an owner tag is typically a custom-designed tag that is created using VTScada scripting code.


Specify a tag to which this contributor should supply its data. An owner tag is one which you must design and then create, using the VTScada scripting language.

The owner tag may keep track of different aspects of each contributor's data, from the presence of a user-defined manual data value, to questionable data, according to the configuration of the check boxes appearing beneath the Owner field. These check boxes also determine the way that this contributor tag's value should be used in the owner tag's calculations.

Set Owner\DataX(…) to Value

When selected, the Set Owner\DataX[…] To Value check box is used to set the value of this contributor tag as the nth element in the owner tag's array. You may choose to set this contributor tag's value in more than one of the owner tag's array elements if required.

Set Active/Unack. Priority

An owner tag may keep track of the alarm priority and status of its contributors. When selected, the Set Active/Unack. Priority check box causes the owner tag to keep track of the priority of the contributor's active alarm (or records an Invalid if the contributor is not in an alarm state). Selecting the Set Active/Unack. Priority check box also causes the owner tag to record whether the alarm has been acknowledged.

Record Use of Manual Data

An owner tag may keep track of the number of contributor tags that are providing manual data (user-defined values), rather than reading data from their I/O device. When selected, the Record Use of Manual Data check box is used to increment the owner's count of the number of tags that are contributing manual data by 1 when manual data has been provided for this contributor, and decrement this count by 1 when no manual data value has been specified.

Record Data Quality

An owner tag may keep track of the quality of the data for each of its contributors. When selected, the Record Tag Quality check box is used to increment the owner tag's count of the number of tags that are contributing quality data by 1, and decrement this count by 1 when this contributor is not supplying quality data.

Record Tag Validity

An owner tag may keep track of the questionable status of the data for each of its contributors. When selected, the Record Tag Validity check box is used to increment the owner tag's count of the number of tags that are contributing questionable data by 1, and decrement this count by 1 when this contributor is not supplying questionable data.

Calculation properties Display tab

Use the options in this panel to set display characteristics when the tag is represented on a page by widgets or plotted in the Historical Data Viewer. The display scale values are also used when calculating the default deadband used for logging.


When this tag is represented on screen by widgets that can use a Style Settings tag, you can save development time by choosing the Style Settings tag that holds the correct display configuration for this tag instance. (See: Style Settings Tags)

The default configuration will search for the first parent tag of the Style Settings type. If there is none, it will use System Style, which is the default style tag that is automatically part of every new VTScada application.

Low and High Scale Values

These fields have no effect on the value of the Calculation tag. They do affect the logging deadband and the default scale ranges when this tag is represented in the HDV or various widgets.

Set the Low Scale Value and High Scale Value to define the default scale range for the HDV trend view and certain widgets, such as the various meters.

Engineering Units

Provide the units of measure that the calculated value represents. This text will be used by widgets that include engineering units as part of the display. Possible values for this field include "rpm", "degrees C", "%", etc.

Calculation properties Alarm tab

If you want this tag to trigger an alarm, use the Add button to open a configuration panel for a new Alarm tag. The triggered-by field for the new alarm will automatically be linked to this tag’s value. The new alarm tags will be created as children of the current tag.

Calculation properties Historian tab

New calculation tags will have an Historian attached automatically. If you are updating a legacy application from a version of VTScada that did not have this option, it is possible that some or all Calculation tags may have been configured to log via an attached Logger tag. If so, you should leave the current Logger configuration in place.

Note: in previous versions of VTScada, unlogged calculation tags could be plotted in the HDV, where the plot would start at the moment the tag was added to an HDV display and continue until the next restart. Such temporary logging is not possible if the Calculation tag has an attached logger because the values are now being permanently logged. Turning off the Enable Logging feature does not restore the previous behavior. If you have a use for only temporary logging, remove the Historian connection.

If you select an Historian tag, this tag's run-time values will be saved for use in reports and the Historical Data Viewer. Historians are described in the topic, Historian Tag.

There are consequences if you change the selected Historian tag after you have begun collecting data. If you switch to a new Historian (perhaps for organizational or load sharing purposes), the data collected for this tag by the previous Historian will become inaccessible.

Enable Logging

If values should be logged only while certain conditions are true, you can tie the Enable Logging option to any tag or expression that will change from zero (logging disabled) to non-zero (usually 1; logging enabled).

Deadband (Engineering Units)

If an Historian is selected, then the value of this tag is automatically logged on change. Use the deadband range to set a minimum amount by which the tag's value must change before a new value is written to the log file. This will dampen out minor changes of value, shrinking the size of the log file by excluding system noise.

If not specified here, the deadband will be the difference between the high and low scale values (set on the Display tab), multiplied by the value of the application property, DefaultCalculationDeadbandFractionOfFullScale. That property defaults to a quarter of a percent (0.0025). If Low Scale Value and High Scale Value have not been set, the deadband calculation will use a scale range of 100.