LCD Meter Widget
* Can use properties from a Style Settings tag.
Used by: I/O and Calculations, Alarm Status, Analog Input, Analog Status, Calculation, Comm Link Sequencer, History Statistics, Rate of Change.
The LCD Meter widget represents the associated tag's value as speedometer type of gauge with a series of tick marks, a needle, and a numeric scale. A percentage of the tick marks will be highlighted according to the tag's value. The numeric portion of the meter will flash red when the linked tag is in an alarm condition.
The LCD Meter tends to look best on a dark background.
The properties dialog for the LCD Meter widget:
Optionally, select a Style Settings tag to control the colors shown by the light, in response to the linked tag's value and alarm state.
See:Style Settings Tags
Tick and Label Color
Sets the color of the segments marks and scaling text around the meter. Defaults to gray <FF929292> so that the labels will be visible against a white background.
Number of Segments
The number of LCD tick marks displayed around the sweep of the meter. The meter will usually look best when this number matches (or is a multiple of) the number of Major Divisions times the number of Minor Divisions.
Number of Labels
Controls the number of text labels displayed around the meter.
Number of Major Divisions
The number of longer white lines around the meter.
Number of Minor Divisions
The number of shorter white lines between each major division.
Digits Before Decimal & Digits After Decimal
These two parameters work together to define the number of LCD digits displayed in the numeric portion of the meter.
The display has room for a maximum of four digits. If adding a fourth digit before the decimal, you must remove the one following.
If linked to an I/O and Calculation tag, you can choose to use the current Digits after Decimal setting from the tag's configuration instead.
Use tag’s scaled min and max values
If selected, the minimum and maximum range of the meter will be controlled by the tag's scaled minimum and maximum values
Minimum Value and Maximum Value
Used to set the smallest and largest values to display on the meter. By default, these values will match the tag’s scaled process values.
You can override those values to set your own scale range. For example, assume that you have a tag for which the minimum and maximum scaled process values are 20 and 80 respectively. Drawing this tag with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 100 will result in a meter that shows a full range of numbers from 0 to 100, but whose needle will move only between 20 and 80.
Disable Options
Disable selected operator-interaction features of this widget.