Driver Multiplexer

Not counted towards your tag license limit.

Driver multiplexer (DriverMUX) tags allow you to set up redundant or alternate lines of communication between I/O tags(*) and equipment.

The Driver Multiplexer will not work if you have enabled SharedRPC mode for your communications driver. This mode prevents the DriverMUX from detecting that one driver has failed.

Reference Notes:

(*) Note that the definition refers to communication between the I/O tag and equipment, not between the driver and equipment. Certain drivers, notably the CIP, will generate their own communication traffic in order to do health checks or update addressing. Because the DriverMUX does not stand between the driver and the PLC, it has no control over this automatically generated traffic.


Possible uses for this tag include:

  • Establishing a fail-over communications route in the event that one driver is lost.

In its basic configuration, the DriverMUX tag will direct all communications to the primary driver. In the event that the connection to the primary driver is lost, communication will switch to the secondary driver.

  • Upgrading to new communications equipment/drivers with zero downtime.

In this scenario, you would install the new equipment and drivers while the existing system remains in place. The new drivers would be connected to the DriverMUX tag instead of directly to your I/O devices. When you are ready to test the new system, you can direct the DriverMUX to switch to the new, secondary system. If there are problems, then communication will immediately and automatically switch back to the primary system with no loss of data.

  • Load sharing between two lines of communication.

The DriverMUX tag can be directed to use both communication drivers in either an alternating or an as-ready basis. While one driver is busy with a large packet, the other can continue to send messages.

If a DriverMUX tag has a Polling Driver for one of its subordinate drivers, then it must have a Polling Driver as both subordinates.
A DriverMUX tag may be subordinate to a Polling Driver.

And in "Alternating mode", there is no health check?

Health checks are not performed when the DriverMUX is in Alternating mode.


To log an event for each switch between the primary and secondary communication path, create an alarm that monitors the state of the expression, [DriverMUX Tag Name]\CurrentSubDriver. "CurrentSubDriver" is a property of this tag, identifying the subordinate driver in use.

To log an event for failure of either communication path, create an alarm for each driver. Refer to the topic Communication Driver Alarms for details.

Server List

Select (or create) a named server list. (Driver Server Lists) If defined and valid, this list will apply to all subordinate drivers. Subordinate drivers that originally had a different list will now use this list.
Servers for the list must be defined using the Application Configuration dialog, as described in Servers for Specific Services. Smaller sites that do not have multiple servers, or that use only the default server list, need not configure this field.

DriverMUX properties Subordinate Drivers tab

Select the two drivers that the multiplexer will communicate with. Either of these may be another DriverMUX tag, with its own primary and secondary device drivers.

DriverMUX subordinate drivers tab

If the Primary I/O Device is a Polling Driver, then the Secondary must be a Polling Driver as well.

Primary I/O Device.

One of two device drivers that the DriverMUX tag can switch between. Depending on the purpose you intend use the DriverMUX tag for, this will normally be the device that will be used for the majority of I/O communications.

Secondary I/O Device.

The other of the two device drivers that the DriverMUX tag can switch between. This could be any of a backup route of communication, a new system that you are switching to or even another DriverMUX tag, allowing you to configure three or more redundant lines of communication.

DriverMUX properties Modes tab

Define the operation (and thereby the purpose) of the DriverMUX tag. For each of the three modes, you can select an option from a menu of choices, or you can use a tag or expression to provide external control over the mode.

If defining a tag or expression to control a mode, note that numbering starts from 0, with the top mode in each list being the 0 mode. For example, a tag or expression controlling the Selection Mode would need to set the values 0, 1 or 2 for Automatic, Exclusive Primary and Exclusive Secondary, in that order. If the controlling tag or expression goes to invalid, then the last known good value will be used.

DriverMUX modes tab

Selection Mode


Enables the DriverMUX to switch between the primary and secondary drivers, using rules defined in the other modes. (May be a constant, expression or tag that evaluates to 0.)

Exclusively Primary

Only the driver defined as primary is used for polling. Data may still be pushed in from the secondary, or arrive as a result of a driver health check, in which case you have the option to ignore data from the inactive subordinate. (Refer to the Settings tab.)
(May be a constant, expression or tag that evaluates to 1.)

Exclusively Secondary

Used when only the driver defined as secondary is to be used. Data may still be pushed in from the primary, or arrive as a result of a driver health check. (May be a constant, expression or tag that evaluates to 2.)

Sequence Mode

Primary Preferred

The primary driver is used for all communication unless it fails, at which point communication is handled by the secondary driver. When the primary driver comes back online, communication is transferred back to it. (May be a constant, expression or tag that evaluates to 0.)

Sticky Mode

Similar to Primary Preferred except that communication continues to be handled by whichever driver is in use until that driver fails. Upon failure of the active driver, communication switches to the alternate, where it remains regardless of whether communication is restored to the driver previously in use. (May be a constant, expression or tag that evaluates to 1.)

Parallel mode

Both drivers are used for communication on an as-ready basis. If one driver is busy with a larger communication packet, the other driver will be used for all packets until the first is ready for another packet. (May be a constant, expression or tag that evaluates to 2.)

Alternating mode

Both drivers are used in a strictly alternating basis. If the next driver in turn is still busy with its last communication packet, further communications will be queued until that driver is ready for another packet. (May be a constant, expression or tag that evaluates to 3.)

Secondary Preferred

In this mode, the secondary driver is used for all communication unless it fails, at which point communication is handled by the primary driver. When the secondary driver comes back online, communication is transferred back to it. (May be a constant, expression or tag that evaluates to 4.)

Failover Mode

Failover mode is of use in a multi-server application where backup servers are configured to handle communications in the event that a primary server fails.

Switch Drivers First

In the event that communication is lost with the driver in use, switch to the alternate driver. (May be a constant, expression or tag that evaluates to 0.)

Switch Servers First

In the event that communication is lost with the driver in use, attempt to switch to a backup server to re-establish communication with that driver before switching to the alternate driver. (May be a constant, expression or tag that evaluates to 1.)

Write Mode

By default, the driver multiplexer writes to only the active driver. If the drivers are connected to different hardware devices, then it is possible that one device might not be synchronized with regards to registers that are used as set points or other controls. This could cause unpredictable results in the case of a hardware fail over.

You have the option of forcing the DriverMUX to write to both devices.

Single Device.

The DriverMUX tag writes to the active driver only

Both Devices.

The DriverMUX tag sends all write requests to both the primary and secondary drivers.

DriverMUX properties Settings tab

In the event of a communication failure, the DriverMUX tag will poll the failed driver at a decreasing frequency, watching for communication to be restored. This is done to allow communication to be re-established as quickly as possible in the event of a momentary outage, but to also reduce network load devoted to polling in the event of a longer outage.

DriverMUX settings tab

Minimum Test Rate (seconds)

The initial frequency at which checks are made to determine a failed driver's state.

Maximum Test Rate (seconds)

The longest period to wait between checks of a failed driver.

Backoff Rate (multiplier)

The time between tests is multiplied by this rate to obtain a progressively slowing frequency between tests until the Max Test time is reached.

Health Check Rate (seconds)

When the mode is set to Primary Preferred and the primary driver is in use, the secondary driver is tested at this rate to ensure its availability.

Health checks are not performed when the DriverMUX is in Alternating mode.

If using a DriverMUX with a Polling Driver, take note that the health check will run independently of the polling order and rate. The heath check is completely unaware that the Polling Driver exists.

Alternate Failure Triggers

It is possible for a driver to report that it is still working, even though no data is being transferred. An example is a radio link: All devices may be in perfect working order, but if the antenna is obscured, no data will be transferred. You can use the Alternate Failure Trigger to monitor some indicator other than the driver itself to determine when the DriverMUX should switch drivers.

A separate alternate trigger is provided for each driver. Use a tag or an expression that will evaluate to TRUE (1) to determine when a failure condition can be considered to have happened. An additional field, "Trigger Delay" is used to set the length of time that the alternate trigger must be true before the DriverMUX will switch drivers. For example, if monitoring for no data being received, it is necessary to wait several seconds to distinguish between a loss of communications and a pause between messages.

Store Last Output Values

When selected, the driver will maintain a record of the last value written to each output address.

If the last output values are stored, they may be re-written by either of two methods:

  • Automatically, when communication is restored to the device. Auto-Rewrite must be set on the subordinate drivers that are to participate in automatic re-writing.
  • Manually by way of a button press. Store Last Outputs must also be must also be set on both of the subordinate drivers. See, Rewrite Outputs Widget for details.

Changing this value from selected to unselected will cause all stored values to be erased immediately.

Ignore Data from Inactive Subordinate

Select this option to discard any data that is being received by the driver that is not the active one. The default behavior when the box is unselected and the DriverMUX is in "Automatic" mode, is to pass all unsolicited data from both drivers to input tags.