DriverSelect Widget
Used by: DriverMux (driver multiplexer) tag.
* Does not use the Style Settings tag.
The DriverSelect widget is used to provide operators with a means to select one of the configured drivers to use exclusively, or to allow the DriverMUX tag to work automatically.
The properties dialog to configure the Driver Select widget is as follows:
Label for 1st, 2nd and 3rd radio buttons
The function of each radio button is defined within the widget. The default labels describe these functions well, but you may choose to use your own labels for each.
Show bevel around radio buttons
Adds a decorative edge to the cluster of three buttons. When the bevel is shown, you may also add a title.
Bevel title
Available only when the bevel is shown around the radio button cluster. If you have more than one DriverMux tag in your application, it would be appropriate to make the title describe which is being affected by the operator’s choices.
Disable Options
Disable selected operator-interaction features of this widget.
Analytics\Communications\Driver Multiplexer\
Tag Types\Communications\Link Management\Driver Multiplexer\