MDS Diagnostic Driver

Not counted towards your tag license limit.

The MDS diagnostic driver tags enable users to read statistics from any given MDS radio.

Driver Errors: To learn more about the cause of an error condition, refer to the Driver Summary Report and the Driver Error Report, both of which are available in the Reports page. The Show Stats button will also provide current and last error messages: Show Statistics Button Widget

Reference Notes:

MDS diagnostic driver tags are required only in applications where you wish to gather data about an MDS radio. For example, a common arrangement might be an MDS radio connected to your PC, and a secondary MDS radio connected to an RTU or PLC at a remote location. To collect data from the RTU or PLC, your VTScada application could use an appropriate communication driver tag (e.g. Allen-Bradley or Modicon), however, if you wish to gather data about either MDS radios in such a scenario (e.g. the temperature of an MDS radio), your application will require an MDS diagnostic driver tag.


The MDS Diagnostic Driver was written for use with the x710 radios. These radios have a DLINK (Diagnostic Link) feature that can be enabled or disabled to allow diagnostic data (RSSI, radio temperature, supply voltage, etc.) to be transmitted to the master radio and read at its serial port (using our MDS Diagnostic Driver or software from MDS). This data is added by the radios to the regular packets transmitted when polling a remote PLC or RTU.

The SD line of radios is backwards-compatible with the x710 and can also use the DLINK feature if operated in x710 mode.

The Orbit series is Ethernet based using SNMP and Netconf to obtain performance information that can be monitored using GE MDS PulseNET. From the Orbit Technical manual, section 3.8.18 details the Simple Network Monitoring Protocol (SNMP) setup. It supports V1, V2 and V3 with traps. VTScada has a native SNMP Driver which should be used to support monitoring of system and network interface status of this radio series.

Server List

Select (or create) a named server list. (Driver Server Lists) Servers for the list must be defined using the Application Configuration dialog, as described in Servers for Specific Services. Smaller sites that do not have multiple servers, or that use only the default server list, need not configure this field.

MDS Diagnostic Driver properties Serial tab

The Serial tab of the MDS diagnostic driver tag properties folder is used to indicate the serial port to which the MDS radio associated with this tag is connected.

MDS Diagnostic driver serial tab


The Port field enables you to select the Serial Port tag or TCP/IP tag you wish to be associated with this driver tag.

In order to connect to MDS radio port with VTScada, you can use one of several different hardware solutions:

  • Serial port cable connected directly.

For this case, configure and select a Serial Port tag.

  • Stand alone serial modem connected to the serial port on the radio.

VTScada has its own modem that is used to dial up the modem connected to the radio. For this option, configure and select a serial port that is using a modem.

  • Ethernet terminal server connected to the serial port on the radio.

VTScada is connected to the same network as the terminal server and can connect to it with either a TCP/IP or UDP/IP port tag

Any type of VTScada port tag may be used, but it must match the hardware connection to the radio.

Time-Out Limit

Set the time in seconds or fractions of a second that this driver should wait for a reply from the remote unit.


The number of times to retry a message before declaring an error.

Use only if the driver is connected to a Serial port. When using TCP/IP, do not set to any value other than 0.

Actively Retrieve Values

Indicates that messages should be sent out in active mode, rather than passive mode.

If the Actively Retrieve Values check box is selected, messages will be sent out in active mode (i.e. a request for data from the MDS radio will be immediately sent).

If the Actively Retrieve Values check box is not selected (default), the data will be sent out in passive mode (i.e. a request for data from the MDS radio will be held until another request for data from the associated RTU or PLC is made).