Tesco Driver

Not counted towards your tag license limit.

Tesco Driver Tags are available only if your VTScada license includes this option. Contact your Trihedral representative to purchase the required license.

The Tesco Data Express Plus driver implements Tesco’s Data Express Plus protocol, which is used to communicate with their L3000e RTU.

The following message types are fully implemented:

  • Multiple Register (Write)
  • Scalar Dump (Read)
  • Binary Dump (Read)
  • Special Command (Write)
  • Operational Status (Read)
  • Serial Number/Version (Read)

The following message types are not implemented:

  • Clock
  • Communication Failure Notification
  • Data Transfer
  • Archive Directory
  • Archive Transfer


Detailed diagnostic logs can be created, which contain more information than those available in the Trace Viewer. If a NAK message is received, the textual information within it will be added to the diagnostic log.

Diagnostics are logged in 2 ways:

  • In memory based on the TescoDriverDiagnosticLogRecentSize setting. (Logging is disabled unless set to a non-zero value.)
    The most recent log messages are stored within each driver and can be retrieved by sending a memory dump file to Trihedral for analysis. This should typically be left on.
  • In log files (Application Trace Directory\Tesco Driver) if TescoDriverDiagnosticLogEnable is 1.
    Each driver's log files will be stored in one folder as simple text files. The logs are divided into multiple files based on the value of TescoDriverDiagnosticLogDuration. Files older than TescoDriverDiagnosticLogAge are deleted to ensure the diagnostics will not fill the available disk space. This should typically be left off when not troubleshooting a specific issue.

Related Application Properties

Server List

Select (or create) a named server list. (Driver Server Lists) Servers for the list must be defined using the Application Configuration dialog, as described in Servers for Specific Services. Smaller sites that do not have multiple servers, or that use only the default server list, need not configure this field.

Tesco Driver properties Settings tab

The Settings tab includes the following properties:


Select the Serial or TCP/IP tag that will provide the address and port to be used when communicating with the RTU.

Scada Network ID

The network ID of VTScada. This will be used as the source network for outgoing messages, and must be the destination network for incoming message

Scada Network Address

The node address of VTScada. This will be used as the source node address for outgoing messages, and must be the destination address for incoming message.

RTU Network ID

The network ID of the RTU. This will be used as the destination network for outgoing messages, and must be the source network for incoming message.

RTU Network Address

The node address of the RTU. This will be used as the destination node address for outgoing messages, and must be the source address for incoming message.

Any incoming messages that are not addressed to the correct Network ID / Node Address (Scada) and from the correct Network ID / Node Address (RTU) will be discarded.

Time-Out Limit

The length of time, in seconds, that the driver should wait for a reply from the devic


The number of times to retry a message before declaring an error.

Use only if the driver is connected to a Serial port. When using TCP/IP, do not set to any value other than 0.


Check this to have I/O tags attached to the driver hold their last value in the event of a communication failure. If not checked, tags will have their value set to invalid on a communication failure.

Store Last Output Values

When selected, the driver will maintain a record of the last value written to each output address. This may be useful in at least two situations:

  • For hardware that does not maintain its state during a power loss and must be restored to that state when re-started.
  • When failed hardware is replaced by a new device and you would like to start that device with the values last written to the old one.

If the last output values are stored, they may be re-written by either of two methods:

  • Automatically, when communication is restored to the device.
  • Manually by way of a button press. See, Rewrite Outputs Widget for details.

Changing this value from selected to deselected will cause all stored values to be erased immediately.

If this driver is being used in conjunction with a Driver Multiplexer, then configure the Driver Multiplexer to store the last values, not the drivers connected to the Multiplexer. In this case, only the Multiplexer should be configured to re-write automatically.

Enable Auto Rewrite

If selected, the Store Last Output Values option will also be activated. This option causes the driver to rewrite the last value written to each output, in the event that communications are lost and then restored.

Use this option only if you are certain that you want the last values to be rewritten automatically after an interruption in driver communications.