Fisher ROC Driver

Not counted towards your tag license limit.

The Fisher ROC driver is used to communicate with devices that support the ROC protocol.

Related Application Properties

ROCReadOnStartup - If true (1), the ROC driver will read all values when the system starts. Defaults to false (0).

ROCDriverSharedRPC - When true (1) indicates that the same RPC. drivernameSharedRPC properties are stored in Settings.Startup, not Settings.Dynamic. Changes require a restart of the application in order to take effect.

ROCMaxPointReadDataSize - Defaults to 239. The maximum number of values requested in a single point read. (opcode 167)

ROCMaxParmReadDataSize - Defaults to 239. The maximum number of values requested in a single parm read. (opcode 180)

ROCIgnoreFatalErrOnParmRead - Defaults to 0. If TRUE (1), allows the driver to attempt to continue after encountering a fatal error.

ROCDriverFailoverCount - Defaults to 1. Number of communication failures before switching to backup.

ROCNewSiteDailyHisSeconds - Defaults to 604800. Sets the default history length for daily point read history in seconds

ROCNewSiteHourlyHisSeconds - Defaults to 172800. Sets the default history length for hourly point read history in seconds

ROCIgnoreFatalErrOnHistRead - Defaults to 0. Allows the driver to attempt to continue after encountering a fatal error reading history


Server List

Select (or create) a named server list. (Driver Server Lists) Servers for the list must be defined using the Application Configuration dialog, as described in Servers for Specific Services. Smaller sites that do not have multiple servers, or that use only the default server list, need not configure this field.

ROC Driver properties Settings tab

The following properties are configured in the Settings tab:

Device Type

From the drop list, select the ROC device type being configured. Options include:

  • FloBoss 407
  • ROC300 FlashPAC
  • ROC800
  • FloBoss 103
  • FloBoss 107
  • ROC800L
  • FloBoss 107 - Alternate ROCNOC
  • FloBoss 107 - Surface Control Manager
  • FloBoss 103 - Surface Control Manager

Station ID

"Station" refers to the ROC device.

The ID is the identifier used by each ROC device so that it knows which messages it is meant to respond to.

Station Group

The Group is used to further distinguish one device from another, especially in cases where there are more than 255 ROC devices on the network. For example, a message addressed to ID 100 in Group 2 will not be answered by ID 100 of Group 3.

Host ID and Host Group

"Host" refers to the VTScada application.

The VTScada driver is given an ID and a Group so that the response messages from the RTU can be delivered properly.

Device Clock Time Zone

The time zone of the clock in the device. This is used to correct the time-stamped data, read from the device by VTScada, for storage using UTC format. \

Regardless of the time zone selected with this option, the driver assumes that the device does not adjust its clock for daylight savings time (DST). Take care to ensure that this is the case for your system.

  • Uses Server Time Zone (no DST) - assumes that the device is in the same time zone as the server.
  • Device Clock In UTC - the clock in the device is set to UTC. Strongly recommended.
  • Actual Time Zone - select the actual time zone that the device is located in

Custom Point Definition File

If configuring for custom point types, select the .CSV file holding the definition for those types. This file must have the same format as the file C:\VTScada\VTS\ROCPointDefinitions.CSV, which is found in every installation of VTScada. Refer to: ROC Address Storage.

ROC Driver properties Communications tab


The port tag through which this driver communicates with a device. This is normally a serial port tag or a TCP/IP tag.

Time-Out Limit

The length of time, in seconds, that the driver should wait for a reply from the device.

Transmit Delay (sec)

Will delay the sending of messages. ROC field devices using RF links can hold the carrier on for a short period of time after sending a response message back to the host, resulting in missed messages. Use this to force a delay, giving the field device a chance to close the carrier. The delay defaults to 0 seconds


The number of times to retry a message before declaring an error.

Use only if the driver is connected to a Serial port. When using TCP/IP, do not set to any value other than 0.


Check this to have I/O tags attached to the driver hold their last value in the event of a communication failure. If not checked, tags will have their value set to invalid on a communication failure.

Store Last Output Values

Flag indicating that the last values written to the device should be maintained. If true, the driver will maintain the last values written for each address, allowing these value to either be re-written manually or automatically.

Automatic Rewrites

Flag indicating the driver should automatically rewrite the last value written to each address upon successful establishment of communications after a driver error occurred.