(Dialog Library)
Description: | Tool used to override non-standard ConfigFolder controls for child tags. |
Returns: | Nothing |
Usage: | Steady State only. |
Function Groups: | Graphics |
Related to: | GUITransform | PAddressEntry | PAlmPriority | PAreaSelect | PCheckBox | PColorEdit | PColorSelect | PContributor | PDroplist | PEditField | PEditName | PHSliderBar | PHueSelect | PImageSelect | PIPAddressList | PIPListenerGroup | PMultiCheckBox | PPageSelect | PPhraseEdit | PRadioButtons | PSecBit | PSelectObject | PSpinbox | PTimeZone | PTypeToggle | SiteDispParms |
Format: | \DialogLibrary\POverride(ParmNum [, ShowHotbox, ShowHighlight, HighlightColor, IntTrigger, ShowProperties, ValType, MinVal, MaxVal, ValArray, Enable, DoNotTranslate]) |
Parameters: |
ParmNum |
Required. Any numeric expression giving the parameter number (from 0) in the caller to alter. |
ShowHotbox |
An optional parameter that is any logical expression. If TRUE, the click-able area will be shown. |
ShowHighlight |
An optional parameter that is any logical expression. If TRUE the area will be emphasized with the HighlightColor. |
HighlightColor |
An optional output giving the highlight color to display if ShowHighlight is true. |
IntTrigger |
An optional trigger used by the caller's Edit field. |
ShowProperties |
An optional Boolean, controlling whether the Properties item should appear in the menu. |
ValType |
Optional. The VTScada value type of the parameter. |
MinVal |
Optional numeric. The minimum for the parameter value. |
MaxVal |
Optional numeric. The maximum for the parameter value. |
ValArray |
Optional array. If provided, defines a list of acceptable values for the parameter. |
Enable |
Optional Boolean. Set TRUE to enable the right-click menu. Defaults to TRUE |
DoNotTranslate |
Optional Boolean. Set TRUE when you do not want to translate a parameter that is a PhraseKey, retaining it as a key for later translation. |
Comments: |
This tool handles the shortcut menu and optionally highlights it's entire area when the an override is specified. Feedback is also provided to allow custom controls to be highlighted in a more attractive fashion.
This parameter tool expects the first parameter of its calling module to contain an array of tag parameters. Usual height: 45 pixels. |
GUITransform(30, 145, WIDTH/2 - 5, 100, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, \DialogLibrary\POverride(\#Address, 0, 0, HighlightColor, PickValid(Trigger1, 1) && PickValid(Trigger2, 1) && PickValid(Trigger3, 1)));