(Dialog Library)
Description: |
Called graphic module that connects a horizontal slider bar to a given parameter number.
Returns: | Nothing |
Usage: | Steady State only. |
Function Groups: | Graphics |
Related to: | GUITransform | PAddressEntry | PAlmPriority | PAreaSelect | PCheckBox | PColorEdit | PColorSelect | PContributor | PDroplist | PEditField | PEditName | PFileChooser | PHueSelect | PImageSelect | PIPAddressList | PIPListenerGroup | PMultiCheckBox | PPageSelect | PPhraseEdit | PRadioButtons | PSecBit | PSelectObject | PServerListName | PSpinbox | PTimeZone | PTypeToggle | SiteDispParms |
Format: | \DialogLibrary\PHSliderBar(ParmNum [, Title, FocusID, Trigger, DrawBevel, MinValue, MaxValue, EnableEditField]) |
Parameters: |
ParmNum |
Required. Any numeric expression giving the parameter number (from 0) in the caller to alter. |
Title |
An optional parameter that is any text expression to be used as a the title to put on the bevel. |
FocusID |
Boolean. If this value is FALSE (0), the field will display its current setting, but cannot be opened (i.e. its value cannot be changed), and will appear disabled (grayed-out). |
Trigger |
Set when the variable is changed. |
DrawBevel |
Any Boolean expression which, when set to TRUE, indicates that a bevel is to be drawn around the control. |
MinValue |
Any numeric expression for the minimum of Value's range. |
MaxValue |
Any numeric expression for the maximum of Value's range. |
EnableEditField |
An optional parameter that is any logical expression. If true (non-0) the edit field will be shown. The default is FALSE. |
Comments: |
This parameter tool expects the first parameter of its calling module to contain an array of tag parameters. It will then set the value of the element indicated by ParmNum. Usual height: 40 pixels. |
GUITransform(70, 200, 290, 160, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 { No scaling }, 0, 0, 1, 0 { No movement; visible; reserved }, 0, 0, 0 { Not selectable }, \DialogLibrary\PHSliderBar(#RelativeSize, \GetPhrase("Your_Title"), { Title }, 5 { ID }, Trigger { Trigger }, 0 { No Bevel }, 0 { Min scale value }, 100 { Max scale value }, 1 { Enable edit }));