
(Dialog Library)


Tool used to display the standard set of check boxes. Commonly used in the Owner tab of a configuration folder.

Returns: Nothing
Usage: Steady State only.
Function Groups: Graphics
Related to: GUITransform | PAddressEntry | PAlmPriority | PAreaSelect | PCheckBox | PColorEdit | PColorSelect | PContributor | PDroplist | PEditField | PEditName | PFileChooser | PHSliderBar | PHueSelect | PImageSelect | PIPAddressList | PIPListenerGroup | PPageSelect | PPhraseEdit | PRadioButtons | PSecBit | PSelectObject | PServerListName | PSpinbox | PTimeZone | PTypeToggle | SiteDispParms
Format: \DialogLibrary\PMulticheck box(ParmNum [, LeftToRight, CheckBoxLabels, FocusID, DrawBevel, Label, BitOffset])
Required. Any numeric expression giving the parameter number (from 0) in the caller to alter.
Required text. The title to put on bevel that surrounds the list.
Required Boolean. If TRUE, the title will be aligned with the top of the graphic.
Boolean. If this value is FALSE (0), the field will display its current setting, but cannot be opened (i.e. its value cannot be changed), and will appear disabled (grayed-out).
Required Boolean. Set when the selection changes.
Optional numeric. The initial value (selection within the list).
Optional Boolean expression that when set to TRUE, causes a bevel to be drawn around the control. Defaults to FALSE.
Optional numeric. The vertical alignment of the droplist, defaulting to 0.
May be one of:
                             0 -> top
                             1 -> centered
                             2 -> bottom

This tool handles the shortcut menu and optionally highlights it's entire area when the an override is specified. Feedback is also provided to allow custom controls to be highlighted in a more attractive fashion.
This module is a member of the VTScada Dialog Library and must therefore be called from within a GUITransform and prefaced by \DialogLibrary\.

The "P" tools (Pcheck box, PContributor, PColorSelect, PDroplist, and PEditfield) were intended only for use in configuration folders and drawing panel modules, and therefore are subject to the system security restraints.
This parameter tool expects the first parameter of its calling module to contain an array of tag parameters.

Usual height: 155 pixels.


   { Time zone }
               45 + 3*Space + 2*TDropHt + 2*TEditHt,
               45 + 3*Space + TDropHt + 2*TEditHt,
               1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
               0, 0, 1, 0,
               0, 0, 0,
               \DialogLibrary\PTimeZone(\#DeviceTimezone     { Parm num   }, 
                                                                  { Title },
                                        TRUE                 { AlignTitle }, 
                                        TRUE                 { FocusID    }, 
                                        Invalid              { InitVal    },
                                        FALSE                { DrawBevel  }, 
                                        0                    { VertAlign  }));