(Dialog Library)
Description: |
Draws a droplist of the currently available alarm priorities with an optional title and bevel.
Returns: | Image handle |
Usage: | Steady State only. |
Function Groups: | Alarm |
Related to: |
GUITransform | PAddressEntry | PAreaSelect | PCheckBox | PColorEdit | PColorSelect | PContributor | PDroplist | PEditField | PEditName |PFileChooser | PHSliderBar | PHueSelect | PImageSelect | PIPAddressList | PIPListenerGroup | PMultiCheckBox | PPageSelect | PPhraseEdit | PRadioButtons | PSecBit | PSelectObject | PServerListName | PSpinbox | PTimeZone | PTypeToggle | SiteDispParms |
Format: | \DialogLibrary\PAlmPriority(ParmNum, Title[, AlignTitle, FocusID, Trigger, Init, DrawBevel, VertAlign]) |
Parameters: |
ParmNum | ||||||||
Required. Any numeric expression giving the parameter number (from 0) in the caller to alter. | ||||||||
Title | ||||||||
Required. Any text expression to be used as a title for the droplist. | ||||||||
AlignTitle | ||||||||
Optional. Any logical expression. Indicates the title alignment such that if it is TRUE (non-zero), the title is included in the calculation for vertical alignment. If FALSE (0), it is added to the droplist after it, and its bevel (if one exists) has been vertically aligned. The default is TRUE. |
FocusID | ||||||||
Boolean. If this value is FALSE (0), the field will display its current setting, but cannot be opened (i.e. its value cannot be changed), and will appear disabled (grayed-out). | ||||||||
Trigger | ||||||||
Optional. Any logical expression. A variable whose value is set to true (1) when the ParmNum parameter's value has been set by the droplist. The setting of the parameter will not cause Trigger to be set. If this information is not required, a constant may be used. |
Init | ||||||||
Optional. Any expression for the initial value displayed in the field. The default value is Data[Index]. If Index is invalid, then the droplist will initially appear blank. | ||||||||
DrawBevel | ||||||||
Optional. Any logical expression. If TRUE (non-0), a bevel is drawn around the droplist. If FALSE (0), no bevel is drawn. The default value is TRUE. | ||||||||
VertAlign | ||||||||
Optional. Any numeric expression that sets the vertical alignment of the unopened droplist according to one of the following:
Whether the title is included when the vertical alignment is calculated is determined by the value of AlignTitle. |
Comments: |
This module is a member of the VTScada Dialog Library, and must therefore be called from within a GUITransform and prefaced by \DialogLibrary\. Usual height: 45 pixels. |
GUITransform(30, 200, Width/2 - 5, 155 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 { No scaling }, 0, 0, 1, 0 { No movement; visible; reserved }, 0, 0, 0 { Not selectable }, \DialogLibrary\PAlmPriority(\#Priority { Parm to edit }, \GetPhrase("AlarmPriorityLabel") { Label }, FALSE { Align Title }, TRUE { ID }, 1 { Trigger }, 0 { Init }, TRUE { Draw bevel }, 1 { Vert align }));