Questionable Data (Tutorial)

If you are working in the training application, (Add Applications (Tutorial)) and you have completed the exercise in Idea Studio (Tutorial), then you have probably noticed and wondered about the blinking question marks on all your widgets. Those indicate "questionable data".


This doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with the data. The question marks know nothing about the state of the equipment. They're used as flags on new tags, reminding you that the tag is new and should be checked. After you check each tag to ensure that it correctly displays information from the PLC, you can remove the question mark and move on to the next. The whole point of the question marks is to help you keep track of which tags have been checked and which tags still require checking.


  1. With both the Idea Studio and the Tag Browser closed, right-click on any of the widgets that have a blinking question mark.
    A pop-up menu opens.
  2. Left-click the line labeled Questionable in that menu.
    The menu closes and the blinking question mark goes away.


If you ever have reason to doubt the values from a tag, you can use the same technique to put the question mark back to act as a reminder that the tag or equipment should be checked again.


Go ahead and remove the Questionable Data flag from everything you've created so far. There are also other flags that you might see from time to time. Read about them here: Special Symbols for Tags.


Ready to continue? Open Widget Properties (Tutorial)