Analog Bar & Indicator Widget

* Can use properties from a Style Settings tag.

Used by: I/O and Calculations tag (although portions may be used by any analog numeric tag).

The Analog Bar and Indicator provides a wealth of current and historical data to the operator at a glance. You have a wide range of configuration options. Note that colors used within the bar are controlled by the attached Style Settings tag.

Vertical, left configuration of the Analog Bar and Indicator widget

Style Settings Properties: High Performance tab


  • If an I/O tag has both a high alarm and a high high alarm (or low and low low) a faint line is shown at the boundary between their setpoints.
  • All active alarms are shown.
  • The history bar (dark blue in the image shown) is visible only when the Value Range is greater than zero.
  • The trend arrow (blue upwards arrow in the image) is visible only when the Trend Direction time is greater than zero.
  • The expected range is shown only for I/O and Calculation tags that have been configured with these values. (see: I/O and Calculations tag: Scaling tab)

Configuration options for the Analog Bar and Indicator widget

All properties other than the corner radius and the disable options may be configured using numeric values, selected tags, parameters or expressions.

Recent Data Indicators

Value Range (minutes)

Sets the time span from which the minimum and maximum values are obtained, to be represented by the dark blue range bar.

Limited to a range between 0 to 525600 (1 year in minutes).

Trend Direction (minutes)

The current value of the linked tag is compared to the value at the start of the time span set with this property. If the current value is greater, the arrow indicates an increasing trend, otherwise a decreasing trend.

Limited to a range between 0 to 525600 (1 year in minutes).

Display Options

Reference Value

A numeric value that represents the target setpoint of the tag whose history is being displayed by this widget. For example, if the bar and indicator widget represents a motor's speed, the reference value would be the output tag controlling that motor's speed.

This indicator is used only for display purposes. It is not an operator control. Limited to the linked tag's minimum and maximum values.


Controls whether the bar is drawn vertically or horizontally

Indicator on Right / Indicator on Bottom

For vertical bars, controls whether the indicator is drawn on the left or right. For horizontal bars, controls whether the indicator is drawn on the top or the bottom.

Reverse Direction

Flips the widget to its mirror image. If vertical, values would increase towards the bottom of the page. If horizontal, values would increase towards the left of the page.

Draw Drop Shadow

Adds a shadow effect to the bar.

Corner Radius

Use to soften the corners of the bar.



Refers to the selected Style Settings tag. If you have not selected otherwise, the default System Style Settings tag is used.

All other colors

These default to the configuration of the Style Settings tag, but may be overridden for a specific Bar and Indicator widget.

Widgets\High Performance\