Customize Alarm Management

These notes usually refer to the "Alarm List" rather than the "Alarm Page". This is to emphasize the difference between the two. The Alarm Page is (mostly) just another page, but one that happens to contain a fully configured Alarm List. You can draw your own Alarm Lists on any page, configuring them as you like.

The first step is to add an Alarm List to a page. Look in the Widgets palette under Tools >> Alarm Tools. The initial size of the widget is 901 by 501 pixels. Developers often modify Alarm Lists to hide many of the features and fit it to a smaller area.

The Alarm List widget can be linked to a tag. This is equivalent to filtering for a specific tag and its children and may be useful for pages operators should have access only to the alarms within certain tag hierarchies. (And note that just because it can be linked to a tag, does not mean that it must be linked to a tag.)

The column format of alarm lists is controlled by the Alarm ListAlarm List widget, or by the selection in the Alarm Database properties Settings tab. Advanced developers can Customize Columns in Alarm Displays, by editing XML files.

Further details and steps are provided in the reference chapter of this documentation beginning with Alarm Lists and Related Tools.