Alarm Lists and Related Tools
You can add an alarm list, configured to show some or all of its tools, to any page in your application. You can customize this list in advance so that operators will see only the details relevant to that page.
All the tools required to work with an alarm list are built into the list widget, but you might decide to suppress everything other than the alarm display and provide additional buttons that perform only specific tasks. For example, rather than providing the full toolbar, you can suppress it and provide an Acknowledge Shown button and a Mute button.
The Alarm Tools folder contains a Legacy Tools sub-folder. These provide backward-compatibility with legacy applications (those built using VTScada 11.1 or earlier), which used an older form of the Alarm List.
You are advised to avoid the legacy tools when building new applications.
Legacy alarm tools worked with named lists. This is no longer true as modern alarm lists have no names (The Legacy Alarm List widget is actually a modern list, customized to look like the legacy list.)
All the alarm library tools described in this topic will work with all lists in the current page or group. If you intend to show more than one list on a page with tools from the alarm library, combine them into groups.