
(System Library)

Description: Displays a text string, breaking it into multiple lines at space or CRLF.
Returns: Nothing
Usage: Steady State only.
Function Groups: Graphics
Related to: Bevel | CheckBox | ColorSelect | DropList | DropTree | Edit | GridList | HScrollbar | Listbox | RadioButtons | SpinBox | SplitList | ToolBar | VScrollbar
Format: \System.TextBox(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Msg, FontVal, Style, BevelTitle [,BackColor, BodyTextColor, HorizontalAlign, VerticalAlign, Height])
Required. The left side coordinate.
Required. The bottom side coordinate.
Required. The right side coordinate.
Required. The top side coordinate.
Required. The message buffer to display.
Required. The font to use (defaults to \_DialogFont).
Required. The bevel/border/wordwrap requirements. This can be one of:
Bit 0 Draw a bevel at X1/Y1/X2/Y2. An 8-pixel margin will be added when determining the text rectangle. The default is TRUE.
Bit 1 Draw a border around the text rectangle. A further 4-pixel margin will be added. The default is TRUE.
Bit 2 Word wrap text. The default is TRUE.
Bit 3 Transparent background. Can be clicked-through to the controls beneath. Default is FALSE
Bit 4 Disables the vertical scroll bar when TRUE. Default is FALSE
Bit 5 Disables the horizontal scroll bar when TRUE. Default is FALSE.
Required. The title to display for the bevel (if relevant).
An optional parameter specifying the background color Defaults to #SYS…BUTTONFACE.
An optional parameter specifying the text color. Defaults to 0, black.
An optional numeric value, specifying the horizontal alignment of the text.
0 == Left,
1 == Center,
2 == Right.
Defaults to 1, Centered.
An optional numeric value, specifying the vertical alignment of the text.
0 == Top,
1 == Center,
2 == Bottom.
Defaults to 1, Centered.
Optional Numeric. The height of the text, not including borders and bevels will be returned to the caller in this parameter.
Comments: If the current text cannot be accommodated by breaking at a word boundary, then the word will be hyphenated (not grammatically). A vertical scrollbar will be automatically added if required.