(System Library)
Description: | Displays a text string, breaking it into multiple lines at space or CRLF. |
Returns: | Nothing |
Usage: | Steady State only. |
Function Groups: | Graphics |
Related to: | Bevel | CheckBox | ColorSelect | DropList | DropTree | Edit | GridList | HScrollbar | Listbox | RadioButtons | SpinBox | SplitList | ToolBar | VScrollbar |
Format: | \System.TextBox(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Msg, FontVal, Style, BevelTitle [,BackColor, BodyTextColor, HorizontalAlign, VerticalAlign, Height]) |
Parameters: |
X1 | ||||||||||||
Required. The left side coordinate. | ||||||||||||
Y1 | ||||||||||||
Required. The bottom side coordinate. | ||||||||||||
X2 | ||||||||||||
Required. The right side coordinate. | ||||||||||||
Y2 | ||||||||||||
Required. The top side coordinate. | ||||||||||||
Msg | ||||||||||||
Required. The message buffer to display. | ||||||||||||
FontVal | ||||||||||||
Required. The font to use (defaults to \_DialogFont). | ||||||||||||
Style | ||||||||||||
Required. The bevel/border/wordwrap requirements. This can be one of:
BevelTitle |
Required. The title to display for the bevel (if relevant). |
BackColor |
An optional parameter specifying the background color Defaults to #SYS…BUTTONFACE. |
BodyTextColor |
An optional parameter specifying the text color. Defaults to 0, black. |
HorizontalAlign |
An optional numeric value, specifying the horizontal alignment of the text. 0 == Left, 1 == Center, 2 == Right. Defaults to 1, Centered. |
VerticalAlign |
An optional numeric value, specifying the vertical alignment of the text. 0 == Top, 1 == Center, 2 == Bottom. Defaults to 1, Centered. |
Height |
Optional Numeric. The height of the text, not including borders and bevels will be returned to the caller in this parameter. |
Comments: | If the current text cannot be accommodated by breaking at a word boundary, then the word will be hyphenated (not grammatically). A vertical scrollbar will be automatically added if required. |