(System Library)
Description | Draws a horizontal scrollbar and returns its position. |
Returns | Boolean |
Usage | Steady State only. |
Function Groups | Graphics |
Related to: | Bevel | CheckBox | ColorSelect | DropList | DropTree | Edit | GridList | Listbox | RadioButtons | SpinBox | SplitList | TextBox | ToolBar | VScrollbar |
Format | \System.HScrollBar(Left, Top, Width, Steps, PageLen[, Position, StepSize, WindowObj]) |
Parameters |
Left |
Required. Any numeric expression for the left side coordinate of the scrollbar. |
Top |
Required. Any numeric expression for the top coordinate of the scrollbar. |
Width |
Required. Any numeric expression for the width of the scrollbar in pixels. |
Steps |
Any numeric expression giving the number of steps in the scrollbar. |
PageLen |
Required. Any numeric expression giving the number of steps to jump per page. |
Position |
Optional numeric. This variable may be used to monitor or set the current scroll position. |
StepSize |
Optional. Any numeric expression giving the number of lines to scroll through when the user clicks on an arrow. Defaults to 1 if not specified. |
WindowObj |
Used by the Anywhere client. Enables redirection to the HScrollbar of horizontal panning over a given region. Required because on many touchscreens you cannot interact directly with the scrollbar therefore this object is needed to make it possible to scroll HScrollbar on those platforms. |
Comments |
This module is a member of the System Library, and must therefore be prefaced by \System. as shown in the "Format" section. If your application predates version 11.2, use the backslash notation rather than dot: \System\
Steps and Pages: Refer to the explanation inVScrollbar, substituting columns for rows.
Custom script graphics using the HScrollbar module directly need to pass in a window object to serve as source for the mouse wheel messages. Typically this would be the window that the VScrollbar module is controlling. Note that the HScrollbar module itself uses a native windows scrollbar, which will therefore work automatically without any script changes, so long as the mouse pointer is over the actual scrollbar. |
\System.HScrollBar(VStatus(Self, 11) - VStatus(Self, 21) { Left }, VStatus(Self, 12) - 1 { Top }, VStatus(Self, 12) { Width }, Length - LinesVisible { Total steps }, LinesVisible { Steps in page }, Offset { Thumb tab pos }, StepSize { Number of lines per arrow click. });