Deprecated. May not work with newer applications or networks. Use GetAllWorkstationNames in new code.
Description: | Executes in its own thread and creates a pointer to an array of all servers visible from this workstation. Returns a flag indicating its status upon completion. |
Returns: | Boolean |
Usage: | Script Only. |
Function Groups: | Database and Data Source, Network |
Related to: | ServerList | WKStaInfo |
Format: | TServerList(Result, Domain) |
Parameters: |
Result |
Required. Any variable in which the resultant one-dimensional array of servers or an error code will be returned. |
Domain |
Required. Any text expression for the domain. If this is invalid, the current domain will be used. |
Comments: | When TServerList is executed in its script, it creates its own thread and VTScada continues executing. When it is finished executing, it will store resultant data in Result (unlike ServerList which returns its result). Result will be set to an error code if any network problems were encountered, or if Domain was not found on the network. This function returns 1 if the thread was successfully started and 0 otherwise. |
If ! Valid(serverArray) Wait; [ started = TServerList(serverArray, WkStaInfo(2)); ]