
Deprecated. May not work with newer applications or networks. Use GetAllWorkstationNames in new code.

Description: Returns a pointer to an array of all available servers visible from this workstation.
Returns: Pointer
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Network
Related to: TServerList | WKStaInfo
Format: ServerList(Obsolete, Domain, Obsolete)
Parameter is no longer used, but is maintained for backward compatibility with previous versions of VTScada. Set to 0.
Required. Any text expression for the domain. If this is invalid, the current domain will be used.
Parameter is no longer used, but is maintained for backward compatibility with previous versions of VTScada. Set to 0.
Comments: This function will return the resultant array of servers, or if network problem is encountered or Domain is not found on the network, an error code will be returned.


If ! Valid(serverArray);
  serverArray = ServerList(0, WkStaInfo(2), 0);

The second parameter in the ServerList statement is included as an added example of how many functions work together - in actual fact it is redundant, since it simply designates Domain as being the current domain, which could also have been done by simply entering an invalid.