
(RPC Manager Library)

Description: Launched module that creates an alphabetically sorted list of all known workstation names. The list is not service specific.
Returns: Nothing. List available in first parameter.
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Network
Related to:
Format: \RPCManager\GetAllWorkstationNames(pList[, Layer]);
Required. Pointer which will be set to the resulting server list of workstation names.
Optional. Layer for which a server list should be obtained.
Comments: This subroutine is a member of the RPC Manager's Library, and must therefore be prefaced by \RPCManager\, as shown in the "Format" section. If the application you are developing is a script application, the subroutine call must be prefaced by System\RPCManager\, and the System variable must be declared in AppRoot.src.
This subroutine is only called by the service instance that is server during synchronization.