(System Library)
Description | Creates a control that displays a variable number of sections. Visually, a section consists of a header and content. The control manages the layout and geometry for the sections and runs a caller-supplied module to display the section content (see Comments). |
Returns | Object |
Usage | Steady State only. |
Function Groups | Advanced Module, Graphics |
Related to: | DialogInitPos | DropList | GridList | HScrollbar | Listbox | RadioButtons | SplitList | ToolBar | VScrollbar |
Format: | \System.SectionControl(HeadingFont, HeadingTextColor, HeadingBackColor) |
Parameters |
HeadingFont |
Required. The font to use for the heading. |
HeadingTextColor |
Required. The color to be used for the heading text. |
HeadingBackColor |
Required. The color to be used as the background for the heading text. |
Comments: | As indicated above, a section consists of a header and content. The control manages the layout and geometry for the sections and runs a caller-supplied module to display the section content. Call a SectionControl in steady-state, wait until the public variable Ready goes TRUE (non-zero), and then call AddSection and DeleteSection (see the Related Sub-functions section above) to add sections to and delete sections from the control. SectionControl assumes that it is being run in a child window and expands to consume the entire window. It automatically adds a vertical scroll bar when required. |
Sub-functions and Variables: |
Public Variables:
ExpandEnable |
Enable/Disable the expand tool button. Default: 1 |
WindowEnable |
Enable/Disable the new window tool button. Default: 1 |
PopupTitle |
The pop-up window title string. Defaults to the value of Heading. |
Height |
Height is a public (read-only) variable that gives the overall height of the SectionControl in pixels. |
Ready |
Ready is a public (read-only) variable that must go to a non-zero value prior to AddSection or DeleteSection being called (see Comments section) |
Heading | ||||||||||||||||||||
Can be a text value or a module value. If a text value, it is rendered in the header. If it is a module value, it is a caller-supplied module to draw the header with the following parameters:
ContentModule | ||||||||||||||||||
A module value of the caller-supplied module to render the content. It is called with the following parameters:
The content drawing module must maintain the value of ContentHeight in steady-state. It is used by the control to manage the geometry of other sections in the control. When the Boolean VisibleContent is TRUE (set by the SectionControl), the module must draw the content. When the control sets VisibleContent FALSE, the module must stop drawing the content. By setting the output value ContentHeight, the drawing module tells the control that it is no longer drawing and the section can be collapsed. |
InitiallyExpanded |
Can be set to TRUE if the heading is to be initially expanded, or FALSE if the heading is to be initially collapsed. |
Param1 |
A parameter passed to the drawing module. |
Param2 |
A parameter passed to the drawing module. |
ExpandEnable |
A Boolean value giving the initial setting for whether the expand button should be enabled. Default: 1 |
WindowEnable |
A Boolean value giving the initial setting for whether the popup window button should be enabled. Default: 1 |
PopupTitle |
An initial title string for the pop-up window. Defaults to the value of Heading. |
AvailableHeightPtr |
A numeric value indicating the number of pixels in the Y-axis available to be drawn in. Can be useful where ContentModule needs to present scrollable content to the operator. |
DeleteSection | |
Comments: |
Deletes a section from the control. |
Related to: | |
Format: | DeleteSection(Object) |
Parameters: |
Object |
The object value returned from a previous AddSection call (see above). |
The following sub-function, DisplaySection, is not meant to be used externally. It is used internally by AddSection
X |
The coordinate of LHS of section. |
Heading |
The heading text or module for the heading. |
DisplayModule |
The module value of the content drawing module. |
VisibleContent |
A Boolean value that can be set to TRUE when content is visible. |
Param1 |
A parameter passed to the drawing module. |
Param2 |
A parameter passed to the drawing module. |
EpandEnable |
Boolean to enable the Expand button (default: 1) |
WindowEnable |
Boolean to enable the New Window button (default: 1) |
PopupTitle |
Text string giving the title of the pop-up window |
AvailableHeightPtr |
Optional numeric - in case AddSection defines the height available for this section. |