(RPC Manager Library)
Description: | Is Primary Server Active for a Service. Only available in VTS 6. This module returns an indication of whether the specified server is in synchronization with the server instance. Returns "1" if the local instance is in synchronization with the server instance. |
Returns: | Boolean |
Usage: | Steady State only. |
Function Groups: | Network |
Related to: | ConnectToMachine | DisconnectFromMachine | GetServer | GetServersListed | GetStatus | IsClient | IsPrimaryServer | IsPotentialServer | Register (RPC Manager) | Send | SetRemoteValue |
Format: | \RPCManager\IsServiceReady(ServiceName [, OptGUID]) |
Parameters: |
ServiceName |
Required. The name by which the service is known. |
Required. Any optional parameter that provides the GUID of the application in which the service instance is known. The default is the application to which the caller belongs. |
Comments: |
This module is a member of the RPC Manager's Library, and must therefore be prefaced by \RPCManager\, as shown in the "Format" section. If the application you are developing is a script application, the module call must be prefaced by System\RPCManager\, and the System variable must be declared in AppRoot.src.
To obtain a list of service names for your application, open the Trace Viewer Application, connect to RPC Diagnostics, then open the Services Dialog |
Refer also to "RPC Manager Service" for a listing of Service Control Methods, RPC Methods, and Deprecated RPC Methods.