
(RPC Manager Library)

Description: This subroutine sets the specified variable within an application instance on a workstation to the specified value. Subroutine call only.
Returns: Nothing
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Network
Related to: ConnectToMachine | DisconnectFromMachine | GetServer | GetServersListed | GetStatus | IsClient | IsPotentialServer | IsPrimaryServer | Register (RPC Manager) | Send
Format: \RPCManager\SetRemoteValue(VariableScope, Variable, Value, Name [, OptGUID])
Required. The scope in which to find the variable.
Required. The name of the variable.
Required. The value to set for the variable. Subject to the restriction of the type of values that can be set via RPC.
Required. Any of the names or IPs by which the workstation is known to the RPC Manager.
Any optional parameter that provides the GUID of the application in which the variable is to be set. The default is the application to which the caller belongs.
Comments: This subroutine is a member of the RPC Manager's Library, and must therefore be prefaced by \RPCManager\, as shown in the "Format" section. If the application you are developing is a script application, the subroutine call must be prefaced by System\RPCManager\, and the System variable must be declared in AppRoot.src.
If the 16-byte binary format of the GUID is not known, the GetGUID function may be used to obtain it.


If 1 Main;
  \RPCManager\SetRemoteValue("\" { root of app context },
  "DispMgrFullScreen" { var name },
  1 { value }, "TestMachine");

This will cause the variable (flag) DispMgrFullScreen, which is found in the root scope of the application, to be set to 1 on the machine called TestMachine.

Refer also to "RPC Manager Service" for a listing of Service Control Methods, RPC Methods, and Deprecated RPC Methods.