
Optional format that may be created for operator log entries. This variable affords customers more flexibility in the format of the operator log message that is added to the alarm history when an operator performs a control operation.


OperatorLogTemplate is not part of newer applications. If added, it must contain a series of elements whose meanings are as follows. Note that these elements are case-sensitive.


^M [Deprecated] Machine name
^U [Deprecated] User name
^T Tag name
^D Quoted tag description
^d Unquoted tag description
^A Tag area
^O Old value
^N New value
^C ChangedLabel (Phrase identifier key) or OperatorLogChangedLabel (Property value)
^F FromLabel (Phrase identifier key) or OperatorLogFromLabel (Property value)
^I ToLabel (Phrase identifier key) or OperatorLogToLabel (Property value)

Elements may be used in any order.


Section:  System

Default: OperatorLogTemplate = ^C ^F ^O ^I ^N

VTScada Event Logging