VTScada Event Logging

An alarm may be described as "A situation to which an operator must respond", while an event is "an action that is recorded, but requires no response." Events differ from alarms only in purpose and notification. For both, a triggering action occurs, and a transaction is recorded of that occurrence.

Many events are built into VTScada. Each change to security configuration is logged as an event recording who, what, when and where (workstation). Operator logons and log-outs are similarly recorded. Each operator-control action is recorded as is each VTScada action such as sending an alarm notification, generating a scheduled report from a Report tag, and more. All of these VTScada-generated events are logged in the Alarm Event DB tag.

All events can be viewed in the History page of any Alarm List.

Logging of Operator Control Actions

Each time an operator performs a control action in an application, such as starting a pump, that action is logged. The record includes the operator name, the workstation used, a timestamp, the name of the output tag, the area of the output tag, the current value, and the value written. If no tag area property is defined or available, then the value defined in the property, OperatorLogArea will be used.

The content of the logged message is controlled by the application property OperatorLogTemplate. Prior to version 11.2, messages longer than 80 characters were trimmed, but this is no longer the case. Other properties (see list of related information) control whether operator logging is enabled and provide default values to be used when none are otherwise available.

Logging of Security Events

Each time a user logs on or logs off, or a manager performs a security-related action such as adding a new user account, details about that action are added to the alarm log.

For each security entry in the History list, the following information is displayed:

  • The name of the workstation on which the security event occurred,
  • The account name of the person who performed the action
  • A time and date stamp,
  • Details about the action performed