Change a Property's Value

You can use the Edit Properties page of the Application Configuration dialog to change the value of a property that is set locally within an application. If the property's value is set in an OEM layer, you must copy that property to the current application layer to change it (Copy a Property). If the property has not been defined in this application or any underlying layer, you must add it (Add a Property).

The most commonly changed properties may be accessed through one of the three tabs of the basic mode, Display, Alarms, and Other, eliminating the need to use the following steps.

  1. Open the Edit Properties page of the Application Configuration dialog.
  2. Open the Advanced Mode.
  3. Find and select the property whose value you want to change. Only properties that are not flagged as OEM (and displayed in a pale gray color) may be edited.
  4. Click in the Value field.

An edit window will open within the field.

  1. Type a new value for the property and press Enter.
  2. Click on the Apply button.

If the property is one that requires an application restart before it goes into effect, you will see the following warning:

  1. Click on OK unless you would like to make other configuration changes before proceeding with this one.

The Comment dialog will open.

  1. Type a comment into the Comments dialog and click OK.

If you later use the VTScada version control system to review the changes made to your application, this comment will help you remember why the changes were made.

  1. If the property requires a re-start before it takes effect, you will see the following dialog. Choose whether to stop the application, restart now or restart later.

If you choose Not Now, the Restart Required symbol will be added to the application's title bar and further configuration changes will not be allowed. The buttons for the Idea Studio, Application Properties, Tag Browser and for Page Notes will be hidden.