Description: | Converts the instance of a type, as specified by XMLNodeTreeIn, into XML. |
Returns: | Numeric |
Usage: | Script Only. |
Function Groups: | File I/O, XML |
Related to: | XMLParse | XMLProcessor | XMLAddSchema | XMLCloneNode | XMLCreateNode | XMLDeleteMember | XMLGetNode | GetXMLNodeArray |
Format: | XMLWrite(XMLProcessorHandle, XMLNodeTreeIn, XMLOut, ErrorMessageOut[, NamespaceDictionary, XSLTString]) |
Parameters: |
XLProcessorHandle |
Required. A valid processor, as returned by the function XMLProcessor. |
XMLNodeTreeIn |
Required. An XMLNodeTree such as would be created by XMLParse (XMLNodeTreeOut parameter). |
XMLOut |
Required. A stream variable where the XML text will be placed. See comments. |
ErrorMessageOut |
Required. A text parameter into which any return error message is placed. |
NamespaceDictionary |
An optional dictionary of namespaces and prefixes such as would be created by XMLParse (NamespaceDictionary parameter). |
XSLTString |
An optional string containing an XSLT (extensible style sheet language transform) to be applied to the output XML. |
Comments: | The XML is in the form of a stream and is inserted to the stream passed in XMLOut, starting at its current position. If XMLOut does not contain a stream, a new BufferStream is created and returned in XMLOut. Returns 0 if it succeeds. Otherwise returns a numeric specifying a Windows error code and sets the variable named in the optional ErrorMessageOut parameter to a text error message. If XSLTString is not a valid XSLT transform, the XML out will not be transformed, but ErrorMessageOut and the return value will be set to indicate the transform failure. |