Description: | Adds a schema to an XML Processor. |
Returns: | Numeric |
Usage: | Script Only. |
Function Groups: | XML |
Related to: | XMLParse | XMLProcessor | XMLWrite | XMLCloneNode | XMLCreateNode | XMLDeleteMember | XMLGetNode | GetXMLNodeArray |
Format: | XMLAddSchema(XMLProcessorHandle, NamespaceURI, URL[, ErrorMessageOut]) |
Parameters: |
XMLProcessorHandle |
Required. A valid processor, as returned by the function XMLProcessor. |
NamespaceURI |
Required. A URI that specifies the namespace that the schema represents. |
Required. The URL to fetch the schema from. |
ErrorMessageOut |
An optional text parameter that allows an error message to be returned from the function. |
Comments: | Each schema will be validated for standards conformance before being added to the cache. Returns 0 if it succeeds, otherwise it returns a numeric specifying a Windows error code and sets the variable named in the optional ErrorMessageOut parameter to a text error message. If the schema load succeeds, the types identified by the schema are added to the factory. |