
Description: Adds a schema to an XML Processor.
Returns: Numeric
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: XML
Related to: XMLParse | XMLProcessor | XMLWrite | XMLCloneNode | XMLCreateNode | XMLDeleteMember | XMLGetNode | GetXMLNodeArray
Format: XMLAddSchema(XMLProcessorHandle, NamespaceURI, URL[, ErrorMessageOut])
Required. A valid processor, as returned by the function XMLProcessor.
Required. A URI that specifies the namespace that the schema represents.
Required. The URL to fetch the schema from.
An optional text parameter that allows an error message to be returned from the function.
Comments: Each schema will be validated for standards conformance before being added to the cache. Returns 0 if it succeeds, otherwise it returns a numeric specifying a Windows error code and sets the variable named in the optional ErrorMessageOut parameter to a text error message. If the schema load succeeds, the types identified by the schema are added to the factory.