
Description: Returns the summation of bytes in a buffer.
Returns: Numeric
Usage: Script or steady state.
Function Groups: Generic Math,  String and Buffer
Related to: BuffOrder | BuffRead | BuffStream | BuffToArray | BuffToParm | BuffToPointer | BuffWrite | Sum
Format: SumBuff(Buffer, Offset, N, Increment)
Required. Any text expression giving the buffer to sum.
Required. Any numeric expression that gives the buffer offset from 0 to start the sum.
Required. Any numeric expression that gives the number of bytes to sum. If N is negative, the absolute value of N is used, but the operation is changed from summation to XOR (each successive byte is XORed with rather than added to the first byte).
Required. Any numeric expression that gives the incremental step of the sum in bytes.
Comments: This function returns the 32 bit sum of N bytes in Buffer, starting at Offset and stepping by Increment bytes. This function is useful for computing checksums for serial communications.


Given that myBuff is length 256, and values are the bytes from 0 to 255:

sum1 = SumBuff(myBuff, 0, 256, 1);

sum1 would add 0 + 1 + 2 + ... + 254 + 255

sum2 = SumBuff(myBuff, 5, 100, 1);

sum2 would add 5 + 6 + 7 + ... + 103 + 104

sum3 = SumBuff(myBuff, 1, 100, 2);

sum3 would add 1 + 3 + 5 + ... + 197 + 199

To compute a 16 bit checksum which adds 16 bit words in a 100 byte buffer with the low byte first:

serCheckSum = And(SumBuff(buff2, 0, 50, 2) +
256 * SumBuff(Buffer, 1, 50, 2), 0xFFFF);