
Description: Reads an existing image handle and produces a new one with modifications. The original image is not altered. Returns invalid upon failure.
Returns: Image
Function Groups: Graphics
Usage: Script or steady state.
Related to: Crop | GUIBitmap | GUIButton | ImageArray | ImageSweep | MakeBitmap
Format: ModifyBitmap(Handle[, Reflect, Hue, Saturation, Lightness, Transparency, Contrast, ColorizeHue, ColorizeSaturation, AntiAlias, ScalarColor, Rotation] )
Required. The image handle to copy and modify.
An optional logical value that can be set to 1 to reflect the image about the vertical axis. The default is no reflection (0).
An optional numeric expression for the hue rotation to apply to all of the colors in the image. Range -180 to 180. The default is no hue rotation, (0).
An optional numeric expression that is a multiplier to the intensity of each primary color component of every color in the image. Range: 0+. Defaults to 1 if missing or invalid.
An optional numeric expression that is a multiplier to the brightness of the image. Range 0+. Defaults to 1 if missing or invalid.
An optional numeric expression for a multiplier to the transparency (alpha value) of every color in the image. Range 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). Defaults to 1 if missing or invalid.
Optional numeric expression to enhance the differences between the colors in the image. Range 0+. Defaults to 1 if missing or invalid.
Optional numeric expression for the hue value of a color to be mixed with every color in the image. Range -180 to 180. Defaults to 0 if missing or invalid.
Optional numeric expression for the intensity of the added color. Zero means that no color is added. Range 0-1. Defaults to 0 if missing or invalid.

Bit 0 controls whether anti-aliasing will be done when the image is stretched. Defaults to 1 (TRUE) if missing or invalid.

By default, feathering will be applied to an anti-aliased image when it is stretched. Set bit 1 to 1 (TRUE) to suppress feathering.

Optional color value in the form aRGBClosed A colour value, defined as four, two-digit hexadecimal values. Alpha - Red - Green - Blue. An Alpha value of FF is assumed if only the RGB values are provided., used to apply a specific color to a gray-scale image.
Optional floating point value, specifying the clockwise rotation in degrees to be applied when the image is drawn.
Comments Some image modifications have a greater performance impact than would typically be assumed, due to the way image rendering is optimized. Scaling and cropping changes are slow, for example