
Description: Reads an existing image handle and returns another one containing an image created from that handle by tiling the image a given number of times.
Returns: Image handle
Usage: Script or steady state.
Function Groups: Graphics
Related to: Crop | GUIBitmap | GUIButton | ImageSweep | MakeBitmap | ModifyBitmap
Format: ImageArray(Handle, HorizontalSpacing, VerticalSpacing, RowCount, ColCount[, Orientation, CropLeft, CropTop, CropWidth, CropHeight, Tessellate])
Required. The image handle to copy and modify.
Required. Any numeric expression for the horizontal space between each tile.
Required. Any numeric expression for the vertical space between each tile.
Required. Any numeric expression for the number of tiles running vertically.
Required. Any numeric expression for the number of tiles running horizontally.

Optional numeric value between 0 and 15, specifying the orientation of the tiles. Defaults to zero.

Orientation Value Meaning Orientation Value Meaning
0 No rotation, no flipping 8 No rotation, flip vertically
1 90-degree CW rotation without flipping 9 90-degree CW rotation and flip vertically
2 180-degree CW rotation without flipping 10 180-degree CW rotation and flip vertically
3 270-degree CW rotation without flipping 11 270-degree CW rotation and flip vertically
4 No rotation, flip horizontally. 12 No rotation, flip horizontally, then vertically
5 90-degree CW rotation and flip horizontally 13 90-degree CW rotation, flip horizontally, then vertically
6 180-degree CW rotation and flip horizontally 14 180-degree CW rotation, flip horizontally, then vertically
7 270-degree CW rotation and flip horizontally 15 270-degree CW rotation, flip horizontally, then vertically
Optional. Left coordinate of the cropping region.
This and the following three parameters must all be specified if any are specified. Together, they apply a clipping rectangle that will be applied to the tiled image after tiling occurs.
Optional. Top coordinate of the cropping region.
Optional. Width of the cropping region.
Optional. Height of the cropping region.

Optional Boolean. Defaults to FALSE (0). Optimizes drawing for a simple grid of images, but causes ImageArray to ignore spacing and transformation of the images. Does not improve the appearance of the result, but uses significantly less memory and may be marginally faster.

The result may be clipped and stretched.


More commonly used in script than in steady-state.

The cropping parameters work in contrast to the Clip function, which applies a clipping region to the image before tiling occurs.

A regular image array will allow for gaps between the tiles and some transformations of the original image. The algorithm for this is less than optimal if one wants an unspaced grid of images, such as in a wallpaper bitmap. For the latter case, set the Tessellate parameter to true.