
Description: Returns a list of the modems in the system. This function should be used to determine the correct parameter for the ModemStream or ModemDial functions.
Returns: Array
Usage: Script only.
Function Groups: Modem
Related to: ModemCount | ModemDial | ModemMedia | ModemStream | ModemTransfer
Format: ModemList()
Parameters: None
Comments: The return value is a two-dimensional array with each row storing the information for a single modem (i.e. ArraySize(ReturnValue, 0) = = ModemCount( ) ). There are four columns per row as follows

Column #



The operating system enumeration for this device


Comport identifier (e.g. "COM1")


'Friendly name" of the modem (e.g. "Standard Modem")


MediaMode. Bit significant value indicating the capabilities of the modem. Please refer to ModemMedia for a description of valid values and their meanings.


If set to1, the modem is controlled by the Trihedral TSP. The Trihedral TSP is to be preferred over other options.

The Microsoft Telephony Interface (TAPI) enumerates a number of devices - not just modems. This function enumerates only the data/voice modems into a compact list. The ordering of this list should not be relied upon as it may change due to system hardware changes.

To use this function:

  1. Call the ModemList function
  1. Iterate through the resulting array, choosing a modem by its 'Friendly Name' or by its 'MediaMode' capabilities.
  1. Add one to the array index and use the resulting value as the first parameter to ModemStream or ModemDial.