
Description: Dials and attempts to connect to a remote modem and returns the modem stream or an error code.
Returns: Modem Stream or Error Code
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Modem
Related to: ModemCount | ModemList | ModemMedia | ModemStream | ModemTransfer
Format: ModemDial(Modem, PhoneNumber, ReceiveLen, TransmitLen, MinBaud, MaxBaud, DataBits, StopBits, Parity, XonXOff [, MediaMode, Timeout, InitString])
Required. Either a numeric expression giving the modem number between 1 and the number of modems in the system (the return from ModemCount), or a modem stream opened via the ModemStream function.
Required. Any text expression specifying the phone number to dial. It can contain any of the special dialing characters that WindowsÔ allows. If this parameter is invalid a pass-through connection will be obtained.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the size of the receive buffer for the serial stream in bytes. ReceiveLen must be in the range 2 to 32 766. If more bytes are received than can fit in the receive buffer before the application removes them, the additional data will be lost.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the size of the transmit buffer for the serial stream in bytes. TransmitLen must be in the range 2 to 32 766. The buffer must be large enough to hold the maximum number of bytes pending transmission at any instance.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the minimum baud rate which will be acceptable on the modem connection. The baud rate at which the connection is made may actually be higher than this value but may not exceed MaxBaud. The baud rate must be in the range 0 to 115,200, and must divide evenly into 115,200 with no more than 2.5% error. The value of 0 has special significance. This corresponds to the maximum baud rate available for the particular device.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the maximum baud rate which will be acceptable on the modem connection. The baud rate at which the connection is made may actually be lower than this value but may not be less than MinBaud. The baud rate must be in the range 0 to 115,200, and must divide evenly into 115,200 with no more than 2.5% error. The value of 0 has special significance. This corresponds to the maximum baud rate available for the particular device.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the number of data bits per character. DataBits must be 5, 6, 7, or 8.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the number of stop bits per character. StopBits must be 1 or 2.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the parity checking to use:


Checking Type


No parity


dd parity


Even parity


Stick (space parity)


1 Stick (mark parity)

Required. Any logical expression. If true (non-0) software flow control is to be used. If false (0) it is not. Because software flow control is only supported for DigiBoards, this should normally be set to 0.
An optional numeric expression, specifying the desired media mode for the call. See ModemMedia for a description of valid values and their meanings.
An optional parameter that should be set to the number of seconds after the completion of dialing that the call should be allowed to wait before it is automatically abandoned as NOANSWER. A value of 0 indicates that the application does not desire automatic call abandonment. The default value of Timeout is 0.
An optional text value that will be sent to the modem as the final part of initializing it for use, just before it dials out. The string should include any terminating characters that the modem will require to complete the string, such as "\r".
Comments: The return value for this function will be one of the following integer values until the modem has a valid connection with a remote modem:




Idle (no connection), waiting for a call


Starting outbound call


Outgoing call request accepted by modem


Dial tone on outbound call


Dialing outbound call


Remote phone ringing on outbound call


Remote phone busy on outbound call


Connected (should not be seen since a stream value will be returned at this point)


Another application is handling the call after a ModemTransfer


Incoming call detected. The modem is being called, but has not yet answered. Changes to 11 when the modem answers.


The modem is temporarily unavailable. Occurs when trying to place an outgoing call and either the modem is still initializing or another TAPI aware application has the modem.


The modem has answered a call. Modem training in progress. Normally followed by a valid stream connection. If an error has occurred, the return values will be one of the following error codes:

Error code



The (numeric) first parameter to the function is out of range


No dial tone detected on outbound call


Remote phone busy on outbound call


No answer on outbound call


Remote hung up on incoming call


Modem unavailable


Other call termination condition

Errors equal to or less than -101 correspond to the Microsoft Telephony Interface (TAPI) errors (which are normally numbered from 1). Specific errors that may be encountered are:

-101 TAPI error code 1
the serial port is in exclusive use by some other process
-112 TAPI error code 12
the system does not have the required version of telephony support (TAPI 2.0 required)
-115 TAPI error code 15
the line device is in use and cannot currently be configured, nor can it allow a party to be added or a call to be answered, placed or transferred
-147 TAPI error code 47
the requested media mode could not be accommodated (e.g. voice call request on a non-voice modem).
-167 TAPI error code 67
the specified device identifier, which was previously valid, is no longer accepted because the associated device has been removed from the system since TAPI was last initialized. Alternately, the line device has no associated device for the given device class
-168 TAPI error code 68
either TAPIAddr.DLL could not be located or the telephone service provider for the specified device found that one of its components is missing or corrupt in a way that was not detected at initialization time. Use the Telephony Control Panel to correct the problem
-169 TAPI error code 69
insufficient memory to perform the operation, or unable to lock memory
-175 TAPI error code 75
insufficient resources to complete the operation (e.g. a line cannot be opened due to a dynamic resource over commitment). Also occurs where a modem is being used by a non-TAPI application

If the PhoneNumber parameter is invalid, a pass-through connection will be obtained. This allows the application to send and receive raw modem commands as if it had exclusive access to the serial port. The difference is that pass-through allows the modem to be shared with other TAPI applications. If the modem is not currently involved in a call then a stream value is returned immediately and may be used to read/write modem commands and data. If the modem is currently involved in a call then the return value will be 10 (modem temporarily unavailable) - wait for a period and then retry.

While a pass-through connection is open, the application has complete control over the modem. If an incoming call arrives, then a notification will be given by the modem (usually "\r\nRING\r\n"). If handling of incoming calls is not required and some other TAPI application does require call handling (e.g. RAS) then the stream should be closed immediately after a ring is detected. Handing off the call using ModemTransfer will not work, because as far as TAPI is concerned there is no call in progress at that stage.

When a modem is in voice mode it is not able to detect call progress accurately. The Microsoft Telephony Service still returns call progress indications but they are fallible. For example, call connected state is returned immediately dialing is complete.

It is not possible to change the media mode of a call after the ModemDial function has been invoked.

Due to operating system restrictions audio mode is only available with Windows 98/ME/2000.