
Description: Controls the receipt of DTMF digits entered from the keypad of a telephone engaged on a voice call via a voice modem.
Returns: Nothing
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Modem
Related to: GetStreamLength | ModemDial | ModemMedia | ModemStream | SRead
Format: ModemDigits(ModemStream, Enable )
Required. The connected modem stream (returned from a ModemStream or ModemDial function call).
Required. Any logical value that is "true" (non-zero) to enable digit monitoring, and "false" (zero) to cancel digit monitoring.
Comments: After digit monitoring is enabled, any digits detected by the modem will appear as text characters (0123456789#*) in the ModemStream. The presence of these characters can be determined by using the GetStreamLength function and they can be read using the SRead function.