
Deprecated. This function relies on the VTSIO driver, which is no longer included in new installations. Will continue to function in legacy installations but should not be used in new code.

Description: Returns a byte, word, or longword of RAM memory.
Returns: Varies
Usage: Script or steady state.
Function Groups: Memory I/O
Related to: CopyIn | CopyOut | MemOut
Format: MemIn(Address, Type)
Required. Any numeric expression which gives the RAM address to read. This may be specified using the @ operator.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the type of read to perform.


Read Type


Read 8 bit byte


Read 16 bit word


Read 32 bit long word

Comments: This function requires that the VTSIO driver be installed.
This is a high priority function. If used in a statement or action trigger, it will be evaluated at a very fast rate. MemIn should be used sparingly to avoid reduced system performance.
In certain cases, the registry may need to be modified to allow access to the memory location.