
Deprecated. This function relies on the VTSIO driver, which is no longer included in new installations. Will continue to function in legacy installations but should not be used in new code.

Description: Copies data from a buffer to an absolute RAM address.
Returns: Nothing
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Memory I/O
Related to: CopyIn | MemIn | MemOut
Format: CopyOut(Buffer, Address, Length)
Required. Any text or buffer expression containing data bytes to copy.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the absolute RAM address to start to copy.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the number of bytes to copy.
Comments: This function requires that the VTSIO driver be installed.
A buffer is written to RAM at Address. If fewer than Length bytes are in the buffer, the copy will stop when the end of the buffer is reached.


CopyOut(x, 0x1859:0x0000, 256);

This would copy the first 256 bytes from the text variable x to real-mode RAM segment 1859 (hex) offset 0 to offset FF (hex), unless x is shorter than 256 bytes.