
System Library

Deprecated. This is now a wrapper for JSONEncode

Description: Takes a VTScada dictionary, structure or array which may be nested, and encodes it as JSON.
Returns: Text
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: String and Buffer
Related to: JSONParse
Format: \System.JSON_Encode(Input[, PrettyPrint])
Required. Any stream expression for the socket. If this isn't a socket stream, invalid is returned.
Optional Boolean. If TRUE, the output will have white space and line breaks added for presentation. Default to FALSE.

The return value will be the input encoded as JSON. Text will be encoded as UTF-8, unless there are any sequences of bytes in the input string that cannot be represented as UTF-8, in which case the string will be substituted for JSON null.

VTScada value types that are not dictionaries, arrays or structures, and that do not have a string or numeric representation, will be represented as JSON null.


{============================== JSON_EncodeSample ==========================}
{ Example code to demonstrate System.JSON_Encode().                         }
  Protected Input               { Input dictionary                          };
  Protected JSONResult          { Input encoded as JSON                     };
  Protected PrettyPrintedResult { Pretty printed JSON result                };

Main [
  If Watch(1);
    Input = Dictionary();
    Input["Values"   ] = New(3);
    Input["Values"   ][0] = 10;
    Input["Values"   ][1] = 20;
    Input["Values"   ][2] = 30;
    Input["Timestamp"]    = "2017-01-02T03:24:19Z";

    JSONResult = \System.JSON_Encode(Input);
    PrettyPrintedResult = \System.JSON_Encode(Input, TRUE);

{ End of JSON_EncodeSample }

JSONResult will be the following:


PrettyPrintedResult will be the following:

  "Values": [
  "Timestamp": "2017-01-02T03:24:19Z"