System Library
Deprecated. This is now a wrapper for JSONEncode
Description: | Takes a VTScada dictionary, structure or array which may be nested, and encodes it as JSON. |
Returns: | Text |
Usage: | Script Only. |
Function Groups: | String and Buffer |
Related to: | JSONParse |
Format: | \System.JSON_Encode(Input[, PrettyPrint]) |
Parameters: |
Input |
Required. Any stream expression for the socket. If this isn't a socket stream, invalid is returned. |
PrettyPrint |
Optional Boolean. If TRUE, the output will have white space and line breaks added for presentation. Default to FALSE. |
Comments: |
The return value will be the input encoded as JSON. Text will be encoded as UTF-8, unless there are any sequences of bytes in the input string that cannot be represented as UTF-8, in which case the string will be substituted for JSON null. VTScada value types that are not dictionaries, arrays or structures, and that do not have a string or numeric representation, will be represented as JSON null. |
< {============================== JSON_EncodeSample ==========================} { Example code to demonstrate System.JSON_Encode(). } {===========================================================================} JSON_EncodeSample [ Protected Input { Input dictionary }; Protected JSONResult { Input encoded as JSON }; Protected PrettyPrintedResult { Pretty printed JSON result }; ] Main [ If Watch(1); [ Input = Dictionary(); Input["Values" ] = New(3); Input["Values" ][0] = 10; Input["Values" ][1] = 20; Input["Values" ][2] = 30; Input["Timestamp"] = "2017-01-02T03:24:19Z"; JSONResult = \System.JSON_Encode(Input); PrettyPrintedResult = \System.JSON_Encode(Input, TRUE); ] ] { End of JSON_EncodeSample } >
JSONResult will be the following:
PrettyPrintedResult will be the following:
{ "Values": [ 10, 20, 30 ], "Timestamp": "2017-01-02T03:24:19Z" }