
Description: Converts any given VTScada value into a JSON string using UTF-8 encoding.
Returns: Text or Stream
Usage: Script only.
Function Groups: String and Buffer
Related to: JSONParse | Pack
Format: JSONEncode(InputValue[, PrettyPrint, Alphabetical, Indent, StreamVar])

Required. Any value to be encoded as JSON.

Text is expected to use UTF-8 encoding.

Optional Boolean. If TRUE, the output will have white space and line breaks added for presentation. Defaults to FALSE.
Optional Boolean. If TRUE, dictionaries will be listed alphabetically. If FALSE, dictionaries will be listed chronologically. Defaults to FALSE.
Optional numeric. Ignored if PrettyPrint is FALSE. Sets the number of spaces to indent the encoding when PrettyPrint is TRUE.
Optional. If a valid stream is provided, the JSON encoded string will be appended to that stream and returned. The default is for JSONEncode to return a text string.

VTScada value types that do not have a string or numeric representation, and are not dictionaries, arrays or structures, will be represented as JSON null.

Arrays of up to three dimensions are supported.