
Description: Places a (lined) grid pattern on the screen.
Returns: Nothing
Usage: Steady State only.
Function Groups: Graphics
Related to: Box | GUIRectangle| Line | ZBox | ZGrid
Format: Grid(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Style, Color, Horizontal, Vertical)
Required. Any numeric expression giving the X coordinate on the screen of one side of the grid area.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the Y coordinate on the screen of either the top or bottom of the grid area.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the X coordinate on the screen of the side of the grid area opposite to X1.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the Y coordinate on the screen of either the top or bottom of the grid area, whichever is the opposite to Y1.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the line style for the grid lines. Valid line styles are from 1 to 10, where 1 is a solid line.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the color of the grid lines. If the number is less than 10000, the grid lines are non-destructive. If greater than or equal to 10000, the grid lines are destructive and the actual color used is Color - 10000. RGB values and system color constants are not supported.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the number of horizontal lines in the grid. This value may be zero.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the number of vertical lines in the grid. This value may be zero.
Comments This statement is non-destructive unless Color is explicitly set destructive. The outside perimeter of the grid area is not drawn.


Grid(100, 100, 700, 500 { Bounding box for the grid },
     3 { Dotted line style },
     9 { Light blue color },
     3 { 3 horizontal lines divide 4 areas },
     5 { 5 vertical lines divide 6 areas });

This example divides an area into 6 blocks wide by 4 blocks high using 3 horizontal lines and 5 vertical lines.