
Deprecated. Do not use in new code.

Description: Draws an empty box on the screen.
Returns: Nothing
Usage: Steady State only.
Function Groups: Graphics
Related to:

Box | GUIRectangle | ZBox | ZBar

Format: Box(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Style, Width, Color)
Required. Any numeric expression giving the X coordinate of one side of the box on the screen. The smaller of X1 and X2 will always be the left side.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the Y coordinate of either the top or bottom of the box on the screen. The smaller of Y1 and Y2 will always be the top edge.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the X coordinate of the side of the box opposite to X1 on the screen (either left or right)..
Required. Any numeric expression giving the Y coordinate of either the top or bottom of the box, whichever is the opposite to Y1.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the line style for the box wall. Valid line styles are from 1 to 10 inclusive. A line style of 1 is a solid line.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the width of the box wall in units of X screen coordinates. The width is always rounded to result in an odd number of pixels on the screen. The minimum width displayed will be 1 pixel.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the VTScada Color Palette of the box.


Box has been superseded by the GUIRectangle and ZBox statements, and is maintained for backwards compatibility only.

As of version 11, this is now drawn in the same z-order as other graphics, making it similar to the z-graphics functions.


Box(700, 500, 780, 580 { Bounding box },
    1, 0 { Solid line style, one pixel wide },
    9 { Bright blue color });

The example above draws a bright blue box in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.