
Description: Checks the chain of trust of a certificate.
Returns: Boolean
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Certificates
Related to: AddCertificate | FindCertificate | GetCertificateInfo | ListCertificates | MakeSelfSignedCertificate | RemoveCertificate | SetCertificateProperty
Format: CheckCertificateChain(CertificateBlob)


Required. A buffer holding a DER-binary encoded certificate BLOB (binary large object) of the certificate to add.

This statement verifies that the supplied certificate BLOB has a chain of trust to a trusted root certificate installed on the local computer, that the certificate has not been revoked and that it is otherwise valid.


CertIsTrusted = CheckCertificateChain(ServerCertBlob);

This will verify that ServerCertBlob is a trusted certificate or has a valid chain of trust to a trusted root certificate. CertIsTrusted will be set TRUE if it is trusted, FALSE if it is not and Invalid if the parameter is not a valid certificate BLOB.