
Deprecated. Do not use in new code.

Description: Draws an arc on the screen.
Returns: Nothing
Usage: Steady State only.
Function Groups: Graphics
Related to: Circle | GUIArc | GUIPie
Format: Arc(X, Y, Radius, Angle1, Angle2, Width, Color)
Required. Any numeric expression giving the X coordinate of the center of the arc on the screen.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the Y coordinate of the center of the arc on the screen.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the radius of the arc specified in units of X screen coordinates.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the starting angle of the arc specified in radians. An angle of 0 lies on the X axis to the right of the center of the arc.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the ending angle of the arc specified in radians.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the line width for the arc. The width is specified in terms of X screen coordinates. Any width less than 1 screen pixel is treated as a 1 pixel arc.
Required. Any numeric expression giving one of the reserved VTScada Color Palette values for the arc.
Comments: The Arc statement has been superseded by the GUIArc function and is maintained for backwards compatibility only.
The arc is drawn in a counterclockwise direction from the Angle1 to Angle2.
As of version 11, this is now drawn in the same z-order as other graphics, making it similar to the z-graphics functions.


Arc(500, 500 { X and Y coordinates },
    100 { Radius in screen coordinates },
    0 { Starting angle in radians - 3 o'clock },
    4.71 { Ending angle in radians - 6 o'clock },
    10 { Arc line thickness in screen coordinates },
    15 { Color is white });