[RealmName-REALMFILTER] Section
To use these examples, supply an existing realm name from your application in place of "RealmName".
The [RealmName-REALMFILTER] section is used to indicate the tag areas and names that are accessible when a group user is logged on to your application. To use the [RealmName-REALMFILTER] section properly, use the syntax shown. You may create area-based filters, name-based filters or both. Name-based filters should end with a \* and apply to all tags below the specified parent.
[RealmName-REALMFILTER] Area = East Area = West Name = Station 1\* Name = Station 2\SubStation 1\* ...
The question mark (?) and asterisk (*) wildcard characters are permitted. Declarations are not case-sensitive, nor is the [REALMFILTER] section heading.
In the example above, RealmName in the section heading ([RealmName-REALMFILTER]) must be replaced by the name of a security realm, and the Area = and Name = declarations beneath the section heading assign the tag areas and hierarchies permitted when a user is logged on to that realm. For example:
[NorthEast-REALMFILTER] Area = Tank Area = Pump
Using the example above, a user signed in to the "NorthEast" realm is permitted to view all tags whose area is either "Tank" or "Pump".
In addition to configuring the [<Area>-REALMFILTER] section, set up Security Realms to restrict users to certain tag areas based on the realm to which they are logged on.
[RealmName-REALMAREAS] is now deprecated. It will continue to work as always, but you are advised to use [RealmName-REALMFILTER] for all new applications.