Date Codes (predefined)

Use any of the following numeric date codes to format a data as shown. If you require a custom format, you can build one using the text codes shown in Date Formatting Strings.

Dates using these codes will always be displayed in English, regardless of system configuration.

All examples showing Monday, August 13, 2012.

Use only the number in the first column - the second two describe the result of the code in the first column. They are not codes that you can use in the function.

Date Code Example Description
0   no date
1 120813 yyMMdd
2 08/13/12 MM/dd/yy
3 08-13-12 MM-dd-yy
4 Aug 13, 2012 MMM d, yyyy
5 August 13, 2012 MMMM d, yyyy
6 13 Aug 12 dd MMM yy
7 13 Aug 2012 dd MMM yyyy
8 13/08/12 dd/MM/yy
9 13-08-12 dd-MM-yy
10 13Aug12 ddMMMyy
11 13Aug2012 ddMMMyyyy
12 Aug 13/12 MMM d/yy
13 20120813 yyyyMMdd
14 08/13 MM/dd
15 08-13 MM-dd
16 08/12 MM/yy
17 08-12 MM-yy
18 08/2012 MM/yyyy
19 08-2012 MM-yyyy
20 Aug 13 MMM d
21 August 13 MMMM d
22 Aug 2012 MMM yyyy
23 August 2012 MMMM yyyy
24 13/08 dd/MM
25 13-08 dd-MM
26 Aug MMM
27 August MMMM
28 12-08-13 yy-MM-dd
29 12/08/13 yy/MM/dd
30 2012-08-13 yyyy-MM-dd
31 2012/08/13 yyyy/MM/dd
32 12-W35-01 (1) yy-WeekOfYear-DayOfWeek (2)
33 12/W35/01 yy/WeekOfYear/DayOfWeek
34 2012-W35-01 yyyy-WeekOfYear-DayOfWeek
35 2012/W35/01 yyyy/WeekOfYear/DayOfWeek
36 12226 yyDayOfYear
37 2012226 yyyyDayOfYear
38 12-226 yy-DayOfYear
39 12/226 yy/DayOfYear
40 2012-226 yyyy-DayOfYear
41 2012/226 yyyy/DayOfYear
42 Mon, 13 Aug 2012 ddd, d MMM yyyy

(1) Week Of Year is preceded by the character W.

(2) "DayOfWeek" and "WeekOfYear" are descriptions rather than format codes that you could use.

Time Codes (Predefined) - Use for displaying time.

Date - The function that uses the codes listed above.